Subtle stamping attempts that went too subtle!

Hi everyone!

If you read my blog regularly you know that I love subtle stamping but I also struggle with it. Today I am gonna show you two of my attempts that went so subtle that you couldn’t even notice my nails were stamped!

First up is a stamping done with plate BP-23 from Bornprettystore over RobyNails Magic Aquamarine. Indoors the stamping was quite visible but when I went outdoors the base was so incredibly sparkly that nothing else showed!

Ciao a tutti!

Se seguite il mio blog di tanto in tanto forse saprete che ho la fissa per gli stamping delicati. Oggi vi farò vedere due tentativi talmente delicati da non vedersi neanche :D

Il primo è uno stamping fatto con la piastrina BP-23 di Bornprettystore sullo smalto RobyNails Magic Aquamarine. In casa lo stamping si vedeva abbastanza ma appena uscivo al sole la base era talmente sbrilluccicosa (sempre termine tecnico) da coprire qualsiasi altro effetto o nail art.

Stamping with plate BP-23

Stamping with plate BP-23

Stamping plate BP-23

Second attempt is a look I will keep trying until I get it right because I love the idea behind it.

My base is BornPrettyStore Color-change Polish n. 110 which is a thermal shifting from turquoise to blue. I wanted to stamp over it with a colour that was only visible over turquoise, and disappeared when blue. Well the stamping colour was a bad pick and it was unnoticeable anytime *sighs*.

Il secondo tentativo è una nail art che continuerò a provare finchè non mi uscirà bene perchè adoro l’idea di base.

Lo smalto è BornPrettyStore Color-change Polish n. 110, un termico che vira da turchese a blu. Volevo stampare con un colore che si vedesse solo in fase turchese, e che sparisse nel blu. Purtroppo lo smalto con cui ho stampato non è stato una buona scelta perchè spariva in entrambi i casi.

Stamping with plate BP-22

Stamping with plate BP-22

Stamping plate BP-22

If you have any tips on how to get a neat subtle but yet visible stamping I am all ears!
Se avete qualche suggerimento su come realizzare uno stamping delicato ma visibile sono tutta orecchi!



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  1. I quite like both looks. I was thinking that if you stamped the first look with a silver holo like color club's harp on it, it might compliment the sparkly base quite well while still achieving the subtlety you crave. For the second look you can try stamping with either the sally Hansen foils or models own if you have it with either the blue or teal one. Can you keep us posted on your progress?

    1. I will for sure! Subtle stamping is something I like so much that I'll never give up attempting!

  2. The first mani is great! The one finger looks as if there were precious gems on it!

  3. Stamping is not at all my cup of tea, but I must say these manis are awesome and I love plate BP-22 . It's so beautiful. :-)

  4. La cosa bella dello stamping è che non si sa sempre come viene fuori, è una sorpresa! In ogni caso a me il risultato piace, e molto anche!

  5. I like the first attempt better, but I have to mention that both one are very pretty!

  6. A me però piacciono molto...entrambi!

  7. Non saranno usciti come avevi preventivato, ma son molto belli entrambi!

  8. direi che se volevi un risultato delicato e appena percettibile ci sei riuscita in pieno, almeno dalle foto sembra così ^__^

    1. In casa sì... ma appena uscivo al sole scomparivano!

  9. Sono d'accordo con Sara R, hai ottenuto un risultato delicato... e bello! Su come fare una stampa delicata ma visibile non potrei darti tanti consigli, di solito mi piacciono i contrasti nello stamping e adoro stampare con bianco e nero :-)

    1. Eheh io stampo sempre con quello che ho sulle unghie, credo anche tu, quindi cerco di adattare il colore sopra!

  10. Adorabili.... sono in difficoltà a sceglierne uno, sono entrambi delicatissimi :-)

  11. i love the subtle stamping look as well but never seem to accomplish it!! lol I think yours still look great!

  12. oh my. That stamping! You are my mermaid inspiration!

  13. I definitely have a few too subtle stamping manis under my belt as well! I love subtle stamping but it can be so hit or miss.

  14. I've had a few that have turned out a bit too subtle but oh well!

  15. I love subtle stamping! I like to say I've done subtle stamping but I really havent, I just used the wrong color combos and they came out as fails lol

  16. Oh my goodness! That first mani is just amazing, both are beautiful - but that first one made my jaw drop

  17. Even though they are quite subtle, I like them both!

  18. Normally Im not a huge fan of subtle stamping but I have to say I am in love with that first look.

  19. Hehe, I know what you mean, I too have fallen victim to TOO subtle stamping. These look great in photos though, but I know that sometimes they don't show up well in real life.

    1. Yeah, they were so subtle in real life, and became completely invisible if I went outdoors under direct sunlight!


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