Stamping with my new BPS silicone stamper

Hi everyone!

Today I am back to holos although weather is expected to chance later in the evening. I did this stamping over China Glaze TMI and I quite liked it. Stamping polish is Colour Alike Black Saint.

Ciao a tutti!

Oggi si torna ad uno smalto olografico anche se il tempo dovrebbe cambiare piĆ¹ tardi. Ho fatto questa stampa sul China Glaze TMI usando lo smalto Colour Alike Black Saint e ne sono abbastanza contenta.

Stamping with China Glaze OMG, Colour Alike Black Saint and BP-L003 stamping plate from BornPrettyStore

Stamping with China Glaze OMG, Colour Alike Black Saint and BP-L003 stamping plate from BornPrettyStore

Stamping with China Glaze OMG, Colour Alike Black Saint and BP-L003 stamping plate from BornPrettyStore

For this stamping attempt I tested my new double sided silicone stamper from BornPrettyStore and I must say I loved it.

This stamper has two heads, one is bigger and one is slighly smaller, but still quite big. Both sides are squishy unlike my older stamper which is soft only on one side. I quite like this feature and I can definitely recommend it!

Per fare questa stampa ho messo alla prova il mio nuovo stamper doppio di silicone di BornPrettyStore e devo dire che funziona perfettamente!

Questo stamper ha due lati, uno un po’ piĆ¹ grande dell’altro, che cmq non ĆØ mica piccolo! Entrambi i lati sono di silicone morbido, al contrario del mio solito che da una parte ĆØ di gomma dura. Mi piace la scelta e ve lo posso certamente consigliare.

Dual Double Sided Stamper from BornPrettyStore

The pattern I’ve used comes from plate BP-L003 by the way. I love this plate and I’ve used almost all its designs already. That doesn’t happen often!
Il disegno che ho usato ĆØ uno di quelli della plate BP-L003. Adoro questa piastra da stamping e ormai ho usato quasi tutti i suoi disegni, non capita tanto spesso!

BornPrettyStore stamping plate BP-L003

That was it! I hope you liked the look!
Questo era tutto per oggi! Spero che vi piaccia la nail art :)



KBJ61 for 10% off sitewide at BornPrettyStore


** some items in this post were sent to me for free for review – alcuni oggetti in questo post mi sono stati inviati gratuitamente a scopo valutativo


  1. Ci credo che ne sei rimasta contenta.... ĆØ venuto benissimo! :-)

  2. spettacolo! lo adoro colour alike, prima volta ho visto qui,ora ho almeno 20 smalti...

  3. Awesome stamping! The colors are great together.

  4. Mi segno questa plate bellissima, ha davvero dei disegni molto interessanti!

    1. Io la adoro, ĆØ una delle mie preferite di sempre!

  5. molto bello questo dischetto

  6. your stamping prowess is so enviable!

  7. I love that stamping plate as well, it's so fun!

  8. Love the colors! I'll have to check out that stamper!

  9. These are lovely!! Your stamping looks fantastic!!

  10. That plate is awesome! I would love to try some of those designs

  11. This is just lovely! I need to wear TMI...I've had it forever and I've never worn it!

    1. I was told it was originaly more holo so I guess it faded a little bit. Time for you to use it!

  12. This looks like it stamps fairly well!

  13. I really like both the polishes and plate you used here! I will have to pick up more Colour Alike polishes some time.

    1. They are so good! I have a few more on my wishlist, too.

  14. So pretty! And there's some great designs on that stamping plate. :)

  15. Another stamper I definitely need in my collection. I love how crisp the image is, very beautiful job on this.

  16. Direi uno stamping perfetto! Qualche giorno fa ho ricevuto il mio pacchettino da BPS, c'ĆØ uno stamper molto simile, devo ancora provarlo, speriamo bene! :-)


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