Kiko Power Pro 112 Violet Landscape

Name: Kiko Power Pro 112 Violet Landscape
Release: Spring 2019
Colour: purple creme
Application/Formula: easy to apply, 2 coats for perfect coverage
Drying time: slow
Photos: two coats, no top coat

Sorry for the dirty bottle, a glitter polish broke in transit and spilled on this one unfortunately.

Smalto viola lacca Kiko Power Pro 112 Violet Landscape purple creme nail polish #kikonails #kikocosmetics #kikopowerpro #kikomilano #nails #unghie #lightyournails

Smalto viola lacca Kiko Power Pro 112 Violet Landscape purple creme nail polish #kikonails #kikocosmetics #kikopowerpro #kikomilano #nails #unghie #lightyournails

Here's on Instagram, maybe you wanna like it?!


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