Let’s start this off!

Hi everyone! My name is Simona, Italian, 33 with some hobbies that have nothing to do one with the other. I have another blog which is about digital scrapbooking which you can check >HERE< if you wish. First I thought that blog is about myself and I planned to use it for all my hobbies, my interests and myself. But then I had a double thought about it, and it’s true it’s still me, but blogging is also sharing, and people who share one of my hobbies might not be interested in another one. Said that, here’s where Twice As Good takes its name, my second blog, kind of my second life, another half of myself!

Nails! Polishes! I’ve been a big lover of nail polish since I was in high school. I wouldn’t go out in summer without polish on my feet nails for example. Then last year I had a kind of hiatus. I haven’t used polish a single time for a whole year. Not sure why, or what changed in my mind. Just recently I started visiting nails blogs again, and found my lost passion again. I went back to my polish stash, cleared it all but 6 bottles and I started this “life” all over.

So what does a polish lover needs when she has only 6 bottles in her stash? Yes, I can hear you, correct answer: SHOPPING! And shopping was! Pardon the awful pictures, but here’s my first haul after coming back to the nails’ world. 16 polishes all at once. Ehi, a woman with only 6 polishes needs to start big!


060 Mona Lisa is Staring Back (Ultimate Nudes)

140 Let’s Mauve On

430 Purplelized

210 Just Married

300 Be My Millionaire

350 Hip Queens Wear Blue Jeans!

450 Sand Francisco

Prismatic Effect Top Coat


Essence (Multidimension):

62 Must-Have

69 Movin’ On

71 Wanna Kiss?

74 Fall for Me


Essence (Colour & Go):

31 Hypnotic Poison

32 Gold Rush

43 Where Is The Party?

45 Date With The Night

High Shine Top Coat


Sinful Colors

808 Flirting Nails


I have already tried some of these polishes and I will show you all the swatches as the time goes. I must add not all of these colours were YAY, some of them were really disappointing, either for the formula, application or colour itself. But I’ll tell you more when I’ll get in details of each of them.

Now something else I want to tell you. I am a shopping addicted. Not only polishes. But I’m not an overall make-up lover. Not correct. I love make-up, I just don’t know how to use it! Esp. eye make-up. I love seeing those beautiful eye-shadows and smoky eyes but I just don’t seem to get that effect when I try that myself. Well, I should say the same for mani. I love those konadicures I see around, and the mani made with tapes! But my first experiments were big failures. I tried a konad-like plate by Essence. Four times, with different polishes. Total failure. I’d love to have someone around my area to show me in person how to do that! ROFL. I have to try tape-mani yet. It looks easier so I cross my fingers. Right now, I’m rebuilding my polish stash and I will show you what I’m buying, what I love, and how these polishes look like. Hope you’ll like my taste, too!


  1. Mi ricordi quando decisi di ampliare la mia collezione (io partivo con una dozzina di pezzi). Spesi 40 euro in smalti allo stand Essence di un centro commerciale (ancora non era così ben distribuita). Io sono a quota 300 e oltre. Su che ce la puoi fare! XD


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