Shimmer Jasmine: one polish four looks

Hi everyone!

It’s quite a lot of time since I last used glitters you know. When I wore OPI Amazon… Amazoff with a peel-off base coat underneath I thought it was a chance to take out one of my Shimmer’s. This indie brand still makes my favourite glitters ever.

I picked Shimmer Jasmine to do a glitter gradient over OPI Amazon… Amazoff, as I thought they will make a great combo. And I think I was right.

Ciao a tutti!

Era un po’ che non usavo dei glitter e quando ho messo l’OPI Amazon… Amazoff con una base peel-off ho pensato che fosse una buona occasione per tirare fuori uno dei miei Shimmer. Questa marca indie è tuttora la mia preferita quando si parla di glitter.

Ho scelto Shimmer Jasmine per creare una gradient con l’OPI Amazon… Amazoff perchè mi sembrava una combinazione azzeccata. E in effetti credo che lo sia.

Shimmer Jasmine glitter gradient


Because the weather still sucks I decided to matte it.
Siccome il tempo fa sempre pena ho usato un top coat matte per opacizzare il look.

Shimmer Jasmine glitter gradient matte


On day 2 I covered the whole nail to kinda spice up my mani without completely changing it.
Il secondo giorno ho coperto tutta l’unghia con i glitter, così da avere una nuova manicure senza rifarla da capo.

Shimmer Jasmine


And I mattified it again.

I used my Butter London matte top coat but I am very unsatisfied with it for glitters. Fortunately a couple of days ago I was able to find my old and lost Essence matte top coat which I just love best.

E ancora una volta l’ho mattificata.

Ho usato il top coat matte di Butter London che secondo me non funziona tanto bene coi glitter. Per fortuna l’altro giorno ho ritrovato il mio caro vecchio top coat matte Essence che funziona sempre bene.

Shimmer Jasmine matte


And that was it! I loved all combinations but the matte ones just rock during bad weather days imho. In fact I just mattified my current mani, too.

Tell me what you think of the looks! And do you like doing minor changes to your mani instead of changing it all over?


Info box:

Shimmer Polish is based in California and ships internationally. You can find her creations at:

- Shimmer blog 

- Shimmer Etsy shop

E questo era tutto! Mi sono piaciute tutte le combinazioni, ma quando il tempo è brutto devo dire che ho un debole per il matte. E infatti anche oggi ho opacizzato la manicure fatta ieri!

Fatemi sapere cosa ne pensate di queste proposte. E ditemi se anche voi modificate di poco le vostre manicure invece di togliere e rimettere tutto!


Info su Shimmer Polish: è un indie californiano che spedisce anche in Italia. Potete trovare i suoi smalti su:

- blog

- negozio Etsy



*some of the items in this post were provided for review – alcuni prodotti in questo post mi sono stati spediti per recensione


  1. I like it both shiny and matte. When it comes to minor changes, well... I change my mani every day (so far!).

    1. Thank you! You're so patient, I just have no time to change it everyday during my lunch break. And I don't see well enough to change my manis in the evening :(

  2. Gradient e matte!! *__* come sai non amo i glitter ma così è davvero ispirevole pure per me!

  3. I love it!! Jasmine looks so good paired with Amazon... Amazoff! I like it both matte and shiny, Jasmine is just really pretty whether she's matte or shiny :)

    1. You're so right Robin! It's really pretty any way you use it!

  4. So lovely! I love both styles of wearing Jasmine! <3

  5. I love the gradient! I also love the way glitters change once you matte them. I think these rock

  6. damn, so gorgeous. I especially love it matte!

  7. I love that you changed it up everyday! :) Both polishes look great on you!

    1. Thank you! Easiest way to have a different mani every day!

  8. I think these made a great combo and I love the glitter gradient. I usually just completely change my manis. :)

    1. Thank you! Sometimes I am just too lazy to change everything, and sometimes I just have no time to. This is the easiest way!

  9. These look amazing!! The glitter goes so well with that polish!

  10. Jasmine is one of my favorite Shimmer polishes!

  11. Love the matte one! Shimmer polishes are so gorgeous!

    1. Thank you! And I agree, Shimmer's are definitely my favourite glitters!

  12. This is so gorgeous! I love your tips-only version :)

  13. La combinazione è veramente azzeccatissima, mi piace tanto! E mi piace di più l'effetto matte :-)

  14. I'm all about matte lately as well! Love the glittery tips version :).

  15. Gorgeous! The color really suits you!

  16. I love the glittered tips! And matting things always makes me happy! Jasmine is such a stunner!

    1. Thank you Jenny! Although Jasmine is not among my favourite Shimmers I really like it!

  17. I LOVE how many looks you showed us! And I 100% believe in the fact that a matte top coat makes everything that much more awesome!

  18. It's so beautiful, and I'm a sucker for glitter gradients, so I'm now drooling over it!


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