Pink and duochrome stamping

Duochrome stamping with plate BPL-028


Ciao a tutti!

Oggi vi propongo una nail art creata con la tecnica dello stamping, a me sempre cara.

Quando stampo su uno smalto cambiacolore scelgo sempre una tonalità che riprenda uno dei colori principali e dal finish metallico, e preferibilmente un disegno dalle linee sottili, in modo che il cambio colore sottostante non rimanga nascosto.

Base: Bornpretty Chameleon 221
Smalto da stamping: Kiko Mirror 619
Dischetto: BPL-028* di Bornprettystore

Duochrome stamping with plate BPL-028

Duochrome stamping with plate BPL-028

Duochrome stamping with plate BPL-028

Il disegno che ho scelto dal dischetto BPL-028* di Bornprettystore non è fine come me lo ero immaginato, ma per fortuna non nasconde il cambio da verde a viola dello smalto sotto.

Per quanto riguarda il dischetto non ho avuto problemi, come al solito, ma questo è l’unico disegno che ho provato finora quindi vi terrò aggiornate sugli altri.

Cosa ne dite di questa nail art? Vi piace?

Stamping plate BPL-028 at BornPrettyStore

*pr sample – campione gratuito

BornPrettyStore 10% off coupon code: KBJ61


  1. You're pictures are gorgeous, and I bet it looks even better in real life. I never thought to pick my stamping polish based off the tone of my base color, that's a great tip! I always try to go for a big contrast, so both colors show.

    1. I'm glad I could provide an extra tip or point of view!

  2. These are so cool!!

    Totally random question, but have you ever tried stamping with a duochrome/mutlichrome over another duochrome/multichrome? I feel like those polishes tend to have thinner formulas, so I'm not sure if you can stamp with them but you definitely know more about stamping and duo/multi-chrome polishes than I do!

    1. I do stamp with duochromes, but never did on other duochromes. Because of them being so thin I usually stamp with duo/multichromes over dark shades so the stamping is surely visible.

  3. Never would have thought to use a pink over this duochrome and it looks awesome!

  4. That base color is amazing, love the stamping

  5. holy cow I love the stamping over the duochrome.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. This is really amazing! I sometimes struggle to figure out how to use metallic stamping polishes, but a multichrome is a nice polish to pair one with.

  8. It came out breath taking beautiful and I love the pictures you took to show us this amazing shift of colors from all angles! As about the plate I have it and I like it very much!

  9. Really gorgeous! You really captured the colors well!

  10. This is such a beautifully done mani! I love it

  11. I love monochromatic looks for nail art!

  12. I love this plate and your mani.

  13. Mi piace molto come hai accostato i due smalti (base e stamping). AdoVo! :-)

  14. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh I missed this post, and I love it, it's so so so pretty! I have this plate as well and it's awesome!!!


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