Astra Expert Gel Effect 04 Danse

Hi everyone!

Quick post today because once again I have a bad migraine. No fun and no news.

The nail polish I am showing you is no. 4 from Italian brand Astra’s Expert Gel Effect line. On Astra’s web site it says it’s called Danse. It’s an antique pink creme, a really pretty colour. Application is easy and it’s incredibly pigmented. At first coat your mani is basically good to go already. It dries quickly to a glossy finish.

Photos show two coats, no top coat.

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Ciao a tutti!

Oggi post veloce perchè sono di nuovo alle prese col mal di testa. Che novità eh?

Lo smalto che vi mostro è il n. 4 della linea Expert Gel Effect di Astra, sul sito indica Danse come nome. Si tratta di una lacca color rosa antico, davvero molto bella. La stesura è semplice e la coprenza è altissima: già alla prima passata di smalto la manicure sarebbe perfetta. Asciuga velocemente e con un finish lucido.

In foto sono due passate senza top coat.


Smalto Astra Expert Gel Effect 04 Danse nail polish

Smalto Astra Expert Gel Effect 04 Danse nail polish

Smalto Astra Expert Gel Effect 04 Danse nail polish


It’s no news I love this nail polish line by Astra. They do have another line called myLaque but the Expert Gel Effect one is my favourite. Price tag is super cheap, less than 3€, and quality is really good. And let’s not forget the 5-free formula i.e. Astra’s nail polish doesn’t contain harmful ingredients such as formaldehyde, formaldehyde resin, toluene, camphor and DBP.

I think that’s it for today. How do you like this shade? Is it too “good girl” for you?

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Non è una novità che io adori questa linea di smalti Astra, mi piace molto di più della myLaque. Il prezzo è basso, meno di 3€, e la qualità è ottima. E non dimentichiamo la formula 5free, che significa che questi smalti non contengono formaldeide, canfora, resina di formaldeide, toluene e DBP, che sono ingredienti nocivi.

Direi che per oggi è tutto, cosa ne pensate di questa tonalità bon-ton? Vi piace?


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  1. It is lovely, I would definitely wear it, but with stamping... Black stamping or white... yes!

  2. Beautiful pink..very dainty and feminine

  3. This shade is lovely!! It'd be great for wearing around the office!

  4. Such a pretty pink, and the formula looks superb!

  5. Molto carino! Spero che nel frattempo ti sia passato il mal di testa ;-)

  6. It is a nice color, but I definitely would use it combined with other nail polishes!

  7. I don't think this is too "good girl" at all! The color is flawless. Just the right amount of that dusty look.

  8. This shade is lovely on you!

  9. This color is so soothing, I'm on the hunt to find something comparable. Feel better soon!

    1. Maybe some of the Zoya natural shades? I bet there's something like this!

  10. Ouu, pretty! This is just the kind of soft pink I love!

  11. Gorgeous shade. Swatched beautifully.

  12. It's a pretty shade for those who can pull it off but it would wash out against my skin tone. Very pretty and feminine <3

    1. I guess it might clash against some skin tones indeed!


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