Koloss Nails Glamourosa

Hi everyone!

Today I’m showing you a nail polish that comes all the way from Brazil. I realize this is a little hard to find unless you have some friends there or are planning your next vacation!

Koloss Nails holografico Glamourosa is a beautiful gold bronze filled with holographic particles. It’s quite thick but easy to apply and opaque in one coat. Drying time is super slow though so you definitely need a top coat to help.

Photos: two coats, no top coat.


Koloss Nails Glamourosa smalto nail polish esmalte

Koloss Nails Glamourosa smalto nail polish esmalte

Koloss Nails Glamourosa smalto nail polish esmalte


Indoors it looks like a standard metallic nail polish (sorry I forgot to take pics of it) but shows no brush strokes. Outdoors the holo particles show in their full beauty. It feels like wearing two nail polishes at the same time, so cool!

What do you think of it?



  1. Caspita è molto bello il colore...peccato per la reperibilità.. ci potrebbe essere un dupe più reperibile?? XD
    Un bacione!

    1. Sai che non mi viene in mente niente del genere? Lo trovo davvero particolare.


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