Pink flowers stamping

Hi everyone!

Today I am sharing with you a mani that I am not 100% satisfied with. It's a pink roses stamping. The roses pattern comes from Bornpretty's BP-73 plate. Stamping polish is BornPretty no. 13. Base colour is Basic Beauty 116. I used no top coat, and you can tell.

Manicure rose rosa pink roses stamping nail art #stamping #nailart #lightyournails

Manicure rose rosa pink roses stamping nail art #stamping #nailart #lightyournails

Manicure rose rosa pink roses stamping nail art #stamping #nailart #lightyournails

I thought the colour combo was pretty but I just don't really like the final look. Maybe this pattern gets lost in the background.

What do you think?

BP-73 stamping plate from BornPrettyStore


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