Hi everyone!
Today I am showing you a nail art created with some Kiko nail products and BBBXL-057 stamping plate* by BeautyBigBang.
Starting from my Kiko Power Pro 113 Touch The Sky mani I added some gradient on my tips with Kiko Power Pro 112 Violet Landscape (I'm gonna swatch that one as soon as possible). Then I picked a pattern from BBBXL-057 stamping plate and I stamped it using MoYou Nails special stamping white.
I let it dry quickly and mattified the look with Kiko's Matte Effect top coat.
Can I say I loved this mani? It looked gorgeous in real life. Plus all the items I used are really good. I can honestly recommend them all.
Do you like it?
P.S. I always forget to mention you can use code SIMONA for a 10% off at BeautyBigBang!

* pr sample
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