Hard Candy Sky

Hi everyone!

Quick nail fail post today.

Hard Candy Sky: a wonder in a bottle, a manicure nightmare! Four coats for *almost* even coverage. Fortunately it's workable although very watery. But 4 coats, seriously? Nope. Plus that lovely shimmer doesn't even show on the nails. It just looks like a very glossy nail polish. Big thumb down for me.

Photos: 4 coats + top coat.

Smalto azzurro shimmer Hard Candy Sky baby blue shimmer nail polish #hardcandy #nails #lightyournails

Smalto azzurro shimmer Hard Candy Sky baby blue shimmer nail polish #hardcandy #nails #lightyournails

Smalto azzurro shimmer Hard Candy Sky baby blue shimmer nail polish #hardcandy #nails #lightyournails

There's not much to say here. Quality wise it's awful and I didn't feel like looking for a good dupe either. How does it look to you?


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