Kiko Power Pro 117 Brick On Trend

Hi everyone!

It's Friday and it's probably been a tough week because I am very tired and I was completely forgetting to write this post!

Today's nail polish is Kiko Power Pro 117 Brick On Trend, a caramel creme. From the bottle I thought it was a brick or a terracotta orange, but once on the nails it definitely leans more caramel. And just by saying caramel I'd love me a fresh Sundae from McDonald's! Know what I'm talking about?

This Kiko nail polish is just the same as the other ones I've tested from the same range: great formula, easy application, glossy finish and long drying time. This one is actually a one-coater, too, although it gets even better with two.

Photos: two coats, no top coat.

Smalto color caramello Kiko Power Pro 117 Brick On Trend caramel creme nail polish #kikonails #kikocosmetics #kikotrendsetter #lightyournails

Smalto color caramello Kiko Power Pro 117 Brick On Trend caramel creme nail polish #kikonails #kikocosmetics #kikotrendsetter #lightyournails

Have you tested any of the new Kiko Power Pro nail polishes? How do you rate them?

* pr sample


  1. I'm not a fan of Kiko polishes, but this colour is gorgeous. So rich.

    1. Really? I love their original range back then. And now these new ones are really good.


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