Pupa Glitter 820 Gold

Hi everyone!

I sadly have to skip some winter challenge themes because I had no time to prepare a mani while I was sick. I thought about something different but still useful instead. I showed you a pretty green, a juicy red so why not a gold? After all those are the Christmas colours! It’s just a case that they are all Italian polishes, I didn’t mean to!

Sooo, my gold choice is Pupa Glitter 820 Gold, which is what the name says: a gold glitter! As any other Pupa it’s very easy to work with and it’s perfectly opaque on its own in two coats. This is it + Gelous top coat.

Ciao a tutti!

Come avete capito quei due giorni da malata mi hanno scombussolato tutti i piani per la challenge d’inverno e sto saltando qualche puntata. E allora che fare? Ho pensato che dopo avervi fatto vedere un bel verde e un succoso rosso fosse il turno dell’oro! Sono o non sono i colori di Natale?

La mia scelta dorata è il Pupa Glitter 820 Gold, che è esattamento quello che dice il nome: un oro glitter. Come tutti i Pupa è una favola da stendere ed è perfettamente coprente in due passate. Qua ho aggiunto il top coat Gelous per “lisciarlo”.

Smalto Pupa Glitter 820 Gold nail polish

Smalto Pupa Glitter 820 Gold nail polish


I really like that it works both on its own and for a glitter gradient because of its clear base!

Aaand I think I got you covered for Christmas colours! I’d love to know what are *your* top Christmas colours and polishes though!

Apprezzo molto che si possa usare sia da solo grazie alla densità dei glitter, sia come gradient grazie alla base trasparente.

E adesso credo di essere a posto con i colori di Natale :D Però vorrei sapere quali sono i vostri colori e i vostri smalti per le feste!


  1. Ohh that's a really pretty gold glitterbomb! Definitely the perfect gold for Christmas :)

  2. Gah-Gah-Gold!! I am soo obsessed with gold this winter and this drives my obsession even more! Love this!!

  3. Oh wow, this polish is beautiful!! I need a gold like this in my collection..... and I need to figure out how to get my hands on this brand haha!

    1. Haha thank you! It's a very popular brand over here, and I know it's sold abroad, but I am not sure it ever made it to the US :(

  4. Pretty color!! Great swatches!!

  5. I think this is one of the prettiest gold polishes I've seen!

    1. Thank you! I love that it's a very bright yellow gold!

  6. What a beautiful gold glitter!

  7. Ooh I am loving this gold!!!! Great swatches

  8. This is a gorgeous color on you!

  9. Lovely polish. When it comes to Christmas colors - red and green.

  10. Decisamente natalizio! Che oro super giallo!
    Il mio smalto per le feste è China Glaze Ruby Pumps :)

  11. Oh my gosh I looooove this! Perfect for a party! :)

  12. Concordo, questo smalto è una meraviglia! E' davvero perfetto per il Natale :3

  13. This looks like a really great glitter.

  14. This is a very rich and warm shade of gold, I think I've never seen something like it before!

  15. Oh wow, very pretty! Two coats, WIN! Very very pretty and classic yet unique, I love it.

  16. Bello, bello, direi che stai proprio bene per le feste! :-)


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