Discontinued day: OPI DS Extravagance

Hi everyone!

Migraines hit me once again and I’m crying in pain right now. Hence the quick post. Plus I’ve already skipped yesterday’s and you know I hate neglecting my blog.

This is OPI DS Extravagance which is sadly long discontinued but probably still available somewhere online and not too hard to find yet.

It’s a gorgeous berry toned scattered holo and I just adore it.

Ciao a tutti!

Il mal di testa mi ha di nuovo colpita.. e affondata. Posto velocemente dato che mi scoccia aver saltato anche ieri.

Questo è l’OPI DS Extravagance, smalto vecchissimo ormai non più in produzione. Da qualche parte online si riesce ancora a trovare senza impazzire troppo.

E’ un bellissimo color lampone dal finish olografico di tipo scattered e lo adoro :)

OPI DS Extravagance

OPI DS Extravagance

OPI DS Extravagance


Because you all seemed to love the blurry photo of Orly Sparkling Garbage I added one of OPI DS Extravagance, too :)

Do you own this beauty?


Siccome la foto sfuocata dell’Orly Sparkling Garbage ha avuto successo ve ne ho messa una anche dell’OPI DS Extravagance :)

Vi piace?


Follow Gnoma Jessica's board DISCONTINUED DAY on Pinterest.


  1. Gorgeous! I was searching for it but haven't found it.

  2. I'm so glad I was able to find this in a storenvy sale, because I love it! It looks so great on you as well. :)

  3. Ooh you are right, this is gorgeous! I love the berry colour!

  4. E' ingiusto come questo genere di smalto renda di più nelle foto sfocate che in quelle fatte a modino. :D Comunque vecchio, ma sempre bellissimo!

  5. ...ce l'ho anch'io questo smalto e lo adoro ancora dopo anni!!!
    ...un bacione!!!

  6. Stupendo! Mi pare il cugino nobile del Kiko 241, sbaglio?

  7. Ma quanto è bello D: ora lo voglio anch'io ahahaha

    1. Ahah se lo trovi prendilo perchè secondo me non te ne penti affatto!

  8. Stupendo *__* ormai magari ce ne sono tanti in giro di possibili fratellini, ma i DS hanno sempre il loro fascino!

    1. Hai più che ragione! Nonostante tutti gli indies l'Extravagance in particolare ha un posto tutto suo nel mio cuore!

  9. Un classico intramontabile! *___*

  10. I'm not a big fan of these kind of colors, but I have to say that this one is really beautiful !

  11. Mi piace parecchio questo colore! :)

  12. Replies
    1. Non starai mica cedendo al lato oscuro degli holo Silvia?

  13. This is absolutely beautiful! I've not seen this polish before but I am loving how it looks on your nails. My OPI collection is dismal but I need this in my life! xx

  14. This is so gorgeous! I love DS Extravagance! I hope you are feeling better! <3

    1. Thank you Jenny! I often struggle with migraines unfortunately and the dark bad weather never helps.

  15. It really is a stunner! I know migraine pain is awful so dim the lights and get some rest. I also like a nice long hot bath when migraines hit me.

    1. Loving a good bath when I feel bad, too! I need to get some good essential oils because I run out of them though!

  16. I've had this forever and I don't think I've ever worn it haha! It is sooo gorgeous though :-)

    1. Awww!! You should immediately paint your nails with it!

  17. This is gorgeous! I love berry shades, and holo? Yes please :)

  18. This is such a gorgeous shade!

  19. Meraviglia delle meraviglie. Anche con il mal di testa la tua scelta è stata più che azzeccata *_*

  20. This looks so beautiful on you. I'm now on the hunt for it!

    1. Thank you! And good luck on the hunt, you won't regret it!

  21. Hope the migraine goes away quickly! This shade is super duper pretty, and yet I don't own it I think O.o. Or do I?

  22. Now I must break out my bottle after seeing your beautiful photos! I hope your migraine goes away quickly. I get really bad one's , to the point where they make me physically ill, so I can only imagine how you're feeling.

    1. Oh I know that feeling! Sometimes it gets so bad on me, too :(

  23. THis was my first OPI DS purchase! I love it!

  24. I really hope you were able to get rid of your migraine. I can't imagine dealing with the pain, yet alone blogging with one :-/ DS Extravagance is a stunner and one that has been on my wishlist for a long time!!

    1. I hope you can find it sometimes! I often struggle with migraines but never have backup posts for the blog, my bad!

  25. It's gorgeous! I don't own it, but now I want to!

  26. Ahh, che meraviglia! I DS dovrebbero rimetterli tutti in vendita, quelli discontinuati :(

  27. Veramente un peccato che sia discontinued! è cosi bello!
    spero che sia passato il mal di testa :-*


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