BeYu Holographic 997

Hi everyone!

I am back with another Fall colour today. Well, I wear purple mostly in Autumn and Winter but this was actually part of a summer collection if I am correct.

This beauty is BeYu Holographic 997 and I just needed it in my life. Shown are two coats because I needed some extra duration but with one coat it looked exactly the same. Formula is great.

Ciao a tutti!

Oggi un altro colore autunnale, almeno per me che indosso il viola quasi solo in autunno e inverno. A onor del vero però questo smalto faceva parte di una collezione estiva se non vado errata.

Questa bellezza è BeYu Holographic 997 e dovevo averlo. In foto sono due passate perchè avevo bisogno che mi durasse qualche giorno extra, in realtà con una sola passata era esattamente identico. Formulazione pazzesca.

BeYu Holographic 997

BeYu Holographic 997

BeYu Holographic 997

I am kinda sad that the Italian drugstores carrying this brand are now discontinuing it. I love my BeYu’s and now it will be almost impossible to find them around unless the brand finds a new distributor.

Anyway, I am more than happy to have this beauty in my stash, isn’t it gorgeous?

Sono un po’ triste che Douglas non tenga più questa marca, mi piacciono molto i loro smalti. Adesso sarà difficile trovarla in giro, a meno che non la lascino almeno online.

Cmq sono più che contenta di aver fatto in tempo a comprare lui. Non è stupendo?


  1. gorgeous :D
    same thing here, we can buy beyu only online, ten years ago i could buy it in my neighborhood :/

  2. It's a great one! Gorgeous shade.

  3. This one looks amazing! I'm really sorry that they are going to remove BeYu from your country =(.
    I'm really sad that BeYu is not available in my country. After seeing this beauty I did some research about this brand and discovered that it is a company also related with ArtDeco and Make Up factory ( both of this lines are sold in my country, I have to contact the distributor if it is possible to bring it in my country) =)

    1. That's some great info! We have ArtDeco here but only in salons, while BeYu was at a drugstore. Make Up Factory I don't think is distributed over here.

  4. I can see why you love it. It is a gorgeous colour.

  5. Direi che è un acquisto più che ottimo, è davvero uno smalto bellissimo

  6. Ohhhhh yes, oh my gosh! I love this polish!!! The holo and the rich colour and ahh! Love!

  7. Such a beautiful color! It's a shame it will be hard to find now.

  8. I love everything in the purple family and this is super pretty! I have a couple similar shades BUT GORGEOUS!!

  9. I love so many BeYu polishes - I wish we could get them here!

    1. I am really sad I can't find them any longer in stores *sighs*

  10. You know, this is a super stunning color! I never really pay attention to this brand though..

    1. I loved their seasonal collections and limited editions honestly!

  11. I need his in my life too.... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. You always nail at capturing holos. This is such a stunning color on you, I love it.

  13. That's beautiful! I also heart purple!

  14. The deep purple is gorgeous, it's so rich and elegant looking with the holo giving it a fun kick.


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