Smitten Polish Between the Baubles

Hi everyone!

Quick swatch today! You’ve already seen Smitten Polish Between the Baubles as base for my Christmas trees mani but it definitely needs a post on its own.

Ciao a tutti!

Swatch veloce oggi. Avete giĆ  visto lo smalto Smitten Polish Between the Baubles come base della mia nail art a tema alberi di Natale ma si merita un post tutto suo.

Smitten Polish Between the Baubles

Smitten Polish Between the Baubles

Smitten Polish Between the Baubles


Smitten Polish Between the Baubles is a gorgeous pine green with a strong linear holo effect. I love it so much! It runs smoothly on the nails and needs no special base coat.

It’s very opaque, too, and that leads to it being a stainer. Yup! Green nails at the end so be sure to double up on base coat. I swear it’s worth it!

I think it might well be my favourite green holo, and you know I love green and holo so that means a lot!

How do you like it?

Smitten Polish Between the Baubles ĆØ un verde pino con un effetto olografico lineare molto marcato. Si stende facilmente sulle unghie e non ha bisogno di basi speciali.

E’ molto coprente, e questo lo porta a macchiare le unghie quindi assicuratevi di mettere un doppio strato di base. Ne vale assolutamente la pena.

Penso che sia il mio smalto verde olografico preferito, e come sapete io adoro gli smalti verdi e quelli olografici, quindi per me vuol dire tanto!

Vi piace?


  1. It is a striking shade and I love it.

  2. E' stupendo!
    Poi gli holo cosƬ scuri stanno benissimo anche d'inverno. *_*

  3. Smitten makes so good polishes. I love this kind of green so this is a big thumbs up from me!

    1. This is my first Smitten but I already have my eyes on more shades!

  4. Eccome! Tanto che lo possiedo anche io! :D

  5. Mi piace molto :D
    I don't like stainers but this one is so gorgeous!!!

  6. I love it, it's such a beautiful green with an amazing effect !

  7. Mi piace eccome! I verdi holo sono spesso molto interessanti e questo non fa eccezione :)

  8. Wow! This is a gorgeous shade of green!! Looks great on you!

  9. Wow, this is beautiful! I really like that shade of green!

  10. I usually wouldn't bat an eye at this shade, but oh my gosh this is gorgeous! I love how you manage to capture the holo perfectly.

  11. This shade of green seems quite popular lately - it feels similar to ILNP Ski Lodge. Love the strong holo!

  12. This is so deep & beautiful!

  13. SƬ, assolutamente, piace anche a me solo vedendolo in fotografia. Mi piacciono gli smalti particolari nella texture, finitura e colore. Verde, blu o gialli pazzi fanno per me :D


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