Flower stamping with BP-83

Hi everyone!

The show I was working at is finally over. I am so grateful and I’m looking forward to the week-end for some rest.

Today I’ll show you some stamping that I did over Nicole by OPI Candid Cameron. I used Sinful Colors Snow Me White and plate BP-83 from BornPrettyStore.

Ciao a tutti!

Finalmente la fiera รจ finita! Attendo con ansia il week-end per riposarmi.

Nel frattempo vi faccio vedere lo stamping che ho fatto sullo smalto Nicole by OPI Candid Cameron. Ho usato Sinful Colors Snow Me White e la piastrina BP-83 di BornPrettyStore.

Flowers stamped nail art with BP-83 plate

Flowers stamped nail art with BP-83 plate


Although I like the contrast I don’t think a white creme was the best choice to stamp over NOPI Candid Cameron. Lesson learned!

When it comes to the plate I was pretty happy at how good the lines pick up and transfer on the nails, esp. considering I didn’t use a proper stamping polish. I’ve just realized the single flower on this plate is actually a water marble pattern! I need to test that design soon!

What’s your experience with BornPretty stamping plates if you have any?

Anche se mi piace il contrasto col bianco penso che una lacca non sia stata la scelta giusta per il NOPI Candid Cameron. Magari un metallico sarebbe stato piรน azzeccato.

Per quanto riguarda il dischetto di stampa sono contenta, le linee si trasferiscono bene sia sul tampone che sull’unghia, anche senza usare uno smalto apposito. Mi sono anche accorta che il fiore singolo che si trova su questo dischetto รจ un disegno per finta water-marble. Devo provarlo presto!

Avete esperienza con i dischi da stamping di BornPretty? E cosa ne pensate?

BornPrettyStore 10% off coupon code: KBJ61


*this post contains pr sample – questo articolo contiene campioni gratuiti


  1. Very nice mani :) I have some BPS plates and most of them are very good :)

  2. I've liked all the born pretty store plates that I've tried :) I actually really like the white stamping over candid Cameron!

  3. This is a really lovely mani! The base is stunning.

  4. The lines are so crisp, nice!

  5. This is so lovely! I actually think the white looks great :)

  6. I have always had problems with the plates I got from BP. Maybe I have to give them another go. These patterns are super cute!

    1. That sucks! I've never had problems with their own branded plates!

  7. Ohh, these are stunning!! I love that base polish and the stamp is super pretty!

  8. Beautiful stamping job! I still have issues with full nail images!

    1. Thank you! Me, I only can use the full images, I never know where to place the little patterns!

  9. Personally I like how this manicure turned out, I like the white stamping over the base nail color it looks good. I have a lot of Born Pretty nail stamping plates and I have never been dissapointed when I have used to create a manicure and I also like the price for each one. Nice manicure and thank you for sharing this manicure.

  10. Mi piace molto come รจ venuto! Brava! :-)

  11. So lovely! That base color is beautiful!

  12. I have this plate too! I adore it :D I have to say that I adore all BP plates. And I actually like the white stamping over the metallic, it's different in a good way! But perhaps black would have made the most sense?


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