Lollipops nails

Hi everyone!

Sweet post today! Are you any fan of lollipops? I actually haven't enjoyed one in ages but I love having some on my nails.

I've recently received BPL-023 stamping plate from BornPrettyStore which is a must if you have a sweet tooth! All the patterns on it are about sweets and tasty food (and drinks!).

I went for the lollipops image and stamped it with Sinful Colors Snow White over Elf Gum Pink. I finished off with Essence matte top coat.

Lollipops nails

Lollipops nails

Look at how good and crisp those thin lines stamp! I am always so happy with BornPretty plates and I admit I keep stalking the shop for new launches.

Are you still there or did you head to the kitchen looking for something sweet?!

BornPrettyStore 10% off coupon code: KBJ61

*pr sample – campione gratuito


  1. Aha Sugary nails are looking so sweet! Love these matt finished lollipops!

  2. Molto carine.... lo stamping è SEMPRE una buona idea :-)

  3. Cutesy :) But not too cute, I like it.

  4. Love this manicure ;) I'm a big fan of mattifying nails! Born Pretty have great plates and I hope too they will launch more in the future :)

  5. Such a fun looking nail art. I have to look up for this stamping plate!

    1. Thank you Andrea! It's really nice and there are patterns for every season, too!

  6. È adorabile *-* fra l'altro è già da un po' che non compro plates da Born, bisogna rimediare

  7. Bella manicure, stamping perfetto! :-) Questa stamping plate è veramente molto carina, piena di dolcetti che fortunatamente non ci fanno ingrassare! E non parlarmi delle stamping plates di BPS, ogni giorno sul loro sito cerco qualcosa di nuovo...! :-)

  8. I read the title as "lopsided nails" and was very confused!

    Cute lollipops though.

  9. What a cute stamping image!

  10. Non chiedermi perché, ma io adoro i pattern con le fettine di agrumi... Ne ho diversi e mi chiamano in modo compulsivo -.-
    Il tocco matte qui è davvero la ciliegina sulla torta!

    1. Belliiiii! Non li ho mai usati ma adoro le nail art fatte con quei disegni!

  11. That plate is is too cute!! I love this!

  12. BPS plates are some of my favorites!

  13. BPS definitely has some good plates! Such a cute mani!

  14. Pretty and simple and sweet! I love it! :D


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