ABC challenge: Essence Romeo

Hi everyone!

Back with our alphabet ride and it’s time for letter E. I picked a suuuuper old nail polish by Essence which is sadly long discontinued.

Essence Romeo from the nail art twins collection is a medium grey creme with a perfect formula.

Two coats, no top coat.

Essence nail art Twins Romeo

Essence nail art Twins Romeo

I love wearing grey and I love grey nail polish. It’s a neutral that always works for me and it’s also a fantastic base colour for nail arts, esp. when it has such a great formula.

Do you have a favourite grey you always reach for?


  1. ...e Romeo me lo sono perso! E' il colmo, oltretutto, perchรฉ ho Juliet. Sรฌ...glitter. Io. Devo aver bevuto quel giorno, non me lo spiego altrimenti!
    Ad ogni modo ho diversi grigi che adoro, sia creme sia shimmer sia holo...sarebbe troppo lungo da elencare!

    1. Io invece ne ho due versioni di Romeo! L'altro รจ shimmer!

  2. This is a really beautiful grey creme! :) my favourite grey polish is by Cosmetic Arts but I bought it from a discount store and unfortunately there's no label on it so I don't know the shade name :(

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. I love grey nail polishes too and this one makes no exception!

  5. ho rispolverato un Twins anche io per l'ABC, ma รจ un glitterato e lo vedrete nella lettera E (...sono ancora alla C sigh sob!) :)
    come grigio lo trovo bellissimo, credo di averlo simile in Kiko e pupa ma non uguale.
    OOOOH Romeeeo, perchรจรจรจ sei tu Romeeeeo... :P :P

  6. I love this gray so much that I bought two sets of this pair (Romeo and Julia). That gray is just right! And I love the sparkly Julia dabbed on thinly. I was SO disappointed when Essence brought the same-named Romeo back as a purple when they did the Reloaded twinsets and then paired it with a Juliet - not at all the same!

    1. The reloaded twins were such a disappointment for me, too! The original ones were all lovely and with perfect formulas!

  7. I love this kind of grey polishes. Really nice color.

  8. It looks very good, I like this grey.

  9. T'invidio un po per quanto ti sta bene il grigio! trovo questo colore molto chic, ma su di me la piรน parte dei grigi fanno proprio schifo, non mi chieder perchรฉ, semplicemente non vanno!

    1. Davvero?! Credevo che il grigio fosse uno di quei colori che stan bene a tutti :P

  10. Che bella tonalitร  di grigio. Anch'io amo questi colori neutri adatti in qualsiasi momento della giornata. Poi se la lacca รจ cosรฌ facile da stendere รจ una goduria :)

    1. Se penso a quanto tempo si perde a stendere degli smalti di poca qualitร !

  11. Mi piace! :-) Adoro tutte le sfumature di grigio... :-)

  12. I really like this creme! It's such a nice shade and could go perfectly for any art design

  13. Oh that IS an oldie indeed! But it looks great on your nails!

    1. I know Deborah but I so prefer Essence old polishes to the new ones!


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