ABC challenge: Funky Fingers Sold Out Arena

Hi everyone!

Thanks Heaven it's Friday because I am SO tired. This week has been the longest ever!

Anyway, I have letter F for ABC challenge and I chose Funky Fingers Sold Out Arena. I actually expected it to be a foil but it turned out to be more of a metallic instead. At least until I removed it and I had glitter everywhere haha.

Funky Fingers Sold Out Arena is the perfect nail polish to wear in a gloomy day because it shines bright no matter what. Application is super easy but you have to be ok with those obvious brushstrokes.

Two coats, no top coat.

Funky Fingers Sold Out Arena

Funky Fingers Sold Out Arena and Kiko 275 green and black studded nails

I attempted some kind of nail art with black but it turned out weird to say the least. I'm sharing it with you anyway so you can have a good laugh.

That's it for me today. I wish you a great week-end and talk soon!


  1. It's an ok color, but I like it so much better with the nail art on.

  2. I like it with the nail art! And what lovely rhinestones.

  3. Lo smalto mi piace molto, ha un bel colore freddo. Le pennellate non sono così evidenti, dai, e la nail art potremmo considerarla come una composizione astratta ;) Non mi dispiace affatto.

  4. che colore particolare: sembra quasi un verde salvia...o è il mio monitor che è impazzito? :P

  5. A me invece la tua nail art piace molto. Vero ci siamo doppiate il brand ;)

  6. it looks like a shiny little tuxedo!

  7. Oh I love what you did with this!

  8. This is a super fun mani! I did an ABC challenge not that long and it was a lot of fun!

    1. I love doing ABC challenges and going through my stash!

  9. I think the nail art looks great! I'm never a fan of these kind of polishes until I see them used in art, and then I'm all "ooh shiny!" LOL

  10. I'm not a huge fan of metallics, but I love the color of this one!

  11. I think if you dotted two little eyes, you could make these look like little ghosts/monsters ;-)!

  12. I like it more with the nail art - it look so nice with black!

    1. I love the match with black! Just not this nail art.

  13. I like the nail polish, I'm ok with how it looks by it self and I especially like the final look of the manicure. =)


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