TNS Cosmetics Nude Look: Skinlover and Light Touch

Hi everyone!

Today I have some pieces from TNS Cosmetics Nude Look collection. This is a small collection consisting of 4 different nude shades, two of them are pink toned, while two are more beige/tan. I decided to test one of each kind although I know I have no pink undertone.

TNS Cosmetics Nude Look: Skinlover, Light Touch

The samples came in this lovely package, which is also available as a gift box for customers.

TNS Cosmetics Nude Look

First colour is called Skinlover and it’s obviously one of the pink nudes. Finish wise this is some kind of milkish creme, quite weird if you ask me. Nonetheless it applies smoothly and it’s perfectly opaque in two coats. It dries very shiny as you can see from the photos.

TNS Skinlover looks awful on me, I knew that even before putting it on, but I wanted to give it a go anyway. Actually I think it would probably suit darker skintones the best, no matter what your undertone is.

TNS Cosmetics Nude Look: Skinlover

TNS Cosmetics Nude Look: Skinlover

Next up we have Light Touch, one of the beige nudes. This is a true nude creme, with a pink hue that you can’t really notice unless you compare it with something colder toned. Again it applies smoothly and it’s perfectly opaque in two coats. No top coat in my photos.

This colour is weird on me and I’m telling you why. At first I thought it was a great colour on me until I went to work and my colleague looked at me as if I has some kind of illness in my nails. She told me Light Touch doesn’t look good at all on me. At first I was kinda surprised but then I understood. This colour is extremely similar to my skin and from a distance it looks like my fingers have no nails on them. So while I love it I realize it’s tricky if that makes any sense.

TNS Cosmetics Nude Look: Light Touch

TNS Cosmetics Nude Look: Light Touch

What do you think about nude shades on the nails? I think it’s always fashionable but it’s not that easy to find the right shade for each of us.

TNS Cosmetics Nude Look: Skinlover, Light Touch

*pr samples – campioni gratuiti


  1. Gli smalti TNS li prenderei solo per avere quei magnifici pacchetti, ahahaha! Magari non nude, ecco... Conosci la mia idiosincrasia per il genere. ;)

  2. Nude shades are always attractive, and I agree with you that it's not easy to find the one that suits you...But in above pictures both shades are looking fab on you. :-)

  3. I think I prefer the second one :)

  4. Skinlover è un colore davvero particolare. Credo che dovrei provarlo per decidere se mi piace. Light Touch mi è piaciuto moltissimo, quindi capisco la tua delusione. Mi sento fortunata di avere un sottotono molto neutro in questo momento.

    1. A dirla tutta io ho un sottotono pesca che in questa collezione manca del tutto, ed è un vero peccato.

  5. io adoVo i nude!:D
    dei due, mi piace decisamente di più light touch <3

  6. I adore the package, it looks so elegant and both of the polishes are wonderful!

  7. Lovely nudes! I prefer the beige ones myself :)

  8. Great swatches! Ya I agree it's hard to find nudes that work well with your skin tone

  9. Interessanti, ma da soli sono troppo sobri per me! :-)

    1. Ma li adoreresti come basi per tutte le tue nail art!

  10. ...dai anche io ho scelto gli stessi smalti...adorando il rosa non so perché ho scelto light touch a fell beauty...però devo ammettere che light touch mi è piaciuto molto, all'inizio non ero convinta, poi dopo la seconda passata è uscita la componente rosata e mi è piaciuto molto, skinlover lo adoro, anche se è vero, è meno coprente di light touch, che con una passata è già coprente, cosa non frequente per smalti di questo colore!!!
    ...un bacione!!!

  11. these are lovely. I have such a soft-spot for nudes.

  12. I can see why a too good matching shade looks weird from a distance!

    1. It will make a good base with something else on top!

  13. Adoro il primo, quello sul rosa, e trovo che ti stia moooolto bene, decisamente più dell'altro :D

    Come dice Cri, le scatole sono sempre deliziose! *___*

  14. I really like Skinlover! It's a super pretty pink.

  15. I agree nude shades are def the hardest to find to fit skin tones. I have tried so many and still haven't found the perfect one for my skin tone lol

  16. I think both of these look good on you!

  17. Both of these look so great on you. I am definitely always a fan of nude shades.

  18. Totally agree, it's so tricky! Especially with cremes! I find that stamping over them helps a lot ;) ;)

    1. Yes! They are perfect to use as a base for stamping!


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