ABC challenge: Colour Alike Sinner Lady


Hi everyone!

My C choice for the ABC challenge is Colour Alike Sinner Lady. Nothing too fancy here, it's a standard silver holo. Plus the holographic effect is quite delicate. I loved the name though, and I just needed it in my stash!

Three (easy) coats


ABC challenge: Colour Alike Sinner Lady

ABC challenge: Colour Alike Sinner Lady

ABC challenge: Colour Alike Sinner Lady



It will come handy as a nail art base I guess! Not worth getting if you are looking for a super flashy holo though.

That's it from me today, migraines hit me again unfortunately.

In case you need Colour Alike Sinner Lady for its name like I did you can find it at


  1. Lovely holo! :)

  2. It looks nice, I remember it was very popular a year or 2 years ago :)

  3. L'ho comperato un anno fa e lo adoro. Da quando ho scoperto il brand Color Alike, sempre grazie a te, non posso fare a meno di fare un pò di shopping ogni inizio primavera ;)

    1. Anche io ho un paio di arretrati che vorrei, aspetto nuovi lanci però!

  4. I like this subtle holo effect. I think that it is a pretty polish!

  5. Forse non sarà lo smalto top del brand, ma Colour Alike è una grossa carenza nei miei Helmer!

  6. It is a sweet and delicate shade and I think one should have such polish in stash.

  7. I wonder how this compares to OPNL Sizzler or Orly Mirrorball? I am such a sucker for the dizzy-holo finish.

    1. I am pretty sure it's nothing like Orly Mirrorball. This one has no extra sparkly glitter added.

  8. I always love these more soft holo finishes, they aren't as in your face!

    1. I usually like them, too, but I'm not a silver lover to honest.

  9. I don't mind a subdued holo, this is pretty.

  10. That is really pretty! I can't wait to see what nail art you do with it in the future!

  11. I like delicate holos! This is really pretty!

  12. I hope you're feeling better! This is a very lovely polish, I like having staples like this in my stash.

  13. I like it! A very lovely subtle polish :)

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. These look amazing! I love anything glittery. Is it easy to get off?

    It's no real glitter so yes, very easy to remove!
    Sorry I don't post comments containing links.

  16. This is beautiful! Not full-on holo, but more subtle, and indeed it would make for a great nail art base! Can't wait to see what you'll create with this ;)

  17. Effettivamente il colore è "onesto", ma il nome spacca (tra l'altro...scritto addirittura sulla boccetta)!

  18. So sorry to hear that you got migraines :( Hope you feel better soon, and at least the holo in this is not blinding you :P


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