ABC challenge: Queen's Color Pearl Green

Hi everyone!

Back with ABC challenge and it’s time for letter Q, which isn’t too common I guess. I picked a brand I know nothing about. I received Queen’s Color Pearl Green in a swap and I am quite torn about it. I love the lime green colour and the awesome golden shimmer, but it’s almost too light for me, as well as quite sheer. And don’t let me start with those brushstrokes! However, I plan to layer it over black sometime soon and see what I can get out of it.

Three coats, no top coat.

Queen's Color Pearl Green

Queen's Color Pearl Green

If you have some info about this brand I’ll gladly update my post with it! In the meanwhile what do you think of this shade?




  1. Wow che colore! Peccato sia poco coprente... io lo proverei anche su una base bianca o verde in tono :-)

  2. Marca spagnola? Non l'ho mai incontrata. Effettivamente รจ un po' chiaro e lascia qualche buco e pennellata, ma devo dire che il colore non mi dispiace affatto.

    1. Io l'ho ricevuta dagli USA quindi non ho proprio idea!

  3. Ma che verde fighissimo :0 peccato per la poca coprenza e il segno delle pennellate, fa saltare i nervi quando sono cosรฌ belli

  4. Wow, decisamente un colore originale e fuori dagli schemi!
    Probabilmente non saprei nemmeno come indossarlo e abbinarlo, ma รจ una meraviglia da osservare. :)

  5. The brushstrokes are not so visible and the color is striking and I love it :))

  6. Peccato per la scarsa coprenza, perchรฉ come colore รจ una bomba! Purtroppo navigo anch'io nell'oblio riguardo a questa marca...

  7. A me piace un sacco, cosรฌ com'รจ :D

  8. This kind of green is just as hard for me to not buy as mintgreens! Love it :) And I thought that Q was so hard that I first didn't even look for one in my collection. Turns out I had three untested.

    1. Haha! My bad beast for letters is X, I have none of those.

  9. I think this is beautiful and I can hardly see brushstrokes at all. If the formula was difficult you certainly did a great job with it.

  10. like you i really enjoy the shade of green but hate my polishes are sheer like that. It prob would look great over a black!

  11. Fun shade! Q is hard letter to find a polish for (either brand OR name). I love this kind of bright lime green.

    1. There's actually an Italian brand that starts with Q so I would have had plenty to choose among!

  12. It's like a glow worm! What a fun colour.

    1. I hadn't thought of it that way but I have to agree!


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