Astra myLaque n. 38 Precious Green

Ciao a tutti!

Oggi vi mostro uno smalto Astra che può venire comodo nel periodo natalizio.

Astra myLaque n. 38 Precious Green è un bellissimo verde bosco dal finish al limite tra il metallico e il foil. Alla prima passata non è molto coprente, ma con una seconda è perfetto. Le pennellate non sono troppo evidenti, ma non spariscono del tutto. L’asciugatura è lenta, un top coat rapido aiuta di certo. Il colore è molto luminoso ed è perfetto anche in giornate un po’ cupe.

La rimozione è il punto dolente: glitter dappertutto! Non me lo aspettavo, armatevi di pazienza e cercate di strisciare il meno possibile fuori dall’unghia.

In foto due passate senza top coat.

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Hi everyone!

Today I’m swatching an Astra nail polish that might come handy during the Christmas season.

Astra myLaque n. 38 Precious Green is a beautiful forest green. Its finish is somewhere between a foil and a metallic I would say. First coat is not enough for full coverage, but it gets perfect at second one. There are some brushstrokes left behind, not too visible but still there. Drying time is quite slow so you’d better use a fast drying top coat. Colour is super bright and it comes perfect during gloomy days.

Removal is a pain here, you get silver glitter everywhere. I didn’t expect it. You gotta be careful and try not dragging your cotton ball (or whatever you are using) outside the nail itself.

Pictured are two coats without top coat.

Astra myLaque n. 38 Precious Green

Astra myLaque n. 38 Precious Green

Astra myLaque n. 38 Precious Green

Che dire? Davvero un colore natalizio! Mi piace molto. E non dimentichiamoci che è uno smalto 5-free, ovvero privo di resina di formaldeide, formalina, canfora, toluene e Dbp (Dibutyl phthalate), alla modica cifra di 1,90€! Ma dove lo troviamo uno smalto 5-free a questo prezzo? Un applauso ad Astra da questo punto di vista.

Se volete vedere altri colori o avere maggiori informazioni vi rimando al sito web Astra.

Come vi sembra questo colore? Avete già provato qualche smalto della linea myLaque di Astra?

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What can I say? It’s such a perfect Christmas green, I really like it. Plus it’s 5-free for only 1,90€ (2.00 USD). Who else is selling 5 free nail polish for less than 2 bucks? Thank you Astra for that!

If you’d like to take a look at other colours or know more about Italian makeup brand Astra you can check their website.

What do you think of this shade? Do you like it?


  1. I have a soft spot for metallic shimmers.

  2. It really is the perfect green for the holidays!

  3. $2?!?!?! What?!?! I've never heard of this brand but will definitely look them up!

    1. It's an Italian brand, I know they sell abroad but I have no clue where!

  4. Molto carino! Anche se la nota sulla rimozione mi intimorisce un pò.... XD

  5. I really don't see the brushstrokes. I just see the beautiful color!

  6. Oh my, it is a gorgeous shade of green.

  7. It really is the perfect Christmas green! I adore this on you!

  8. Definitely a perfect one for Christmas!

  9. this would be fabulous for Christmas.

  10. It's lovely! So cool yet festive and so cheap, hahaha! Please do nail art pretty please? ;)

  11. I love that you always show brands that I don't see much on. But I'm also envious I don't have them here! This is so pretty

    1. I like showing (and wearing!) a variety of brands! Love to hear it's appreciated.

  12. Oh this is beautiful! I was thinking Christmas as soon as I saw it. It looks beautiful on your nails. I only have a couple Astra polishes but they seem awesome, I wish they were available locally! :)

  13. Super Gorgeous! I must say, green suits you a lot! <3

    1. Thank you! Glad to hear that because I love green on my nails!


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