Mardi Gras nail art

Hi everyone!

There are Carnival parties all over Italy these days so I decided to do a Mardi Gras manicure to celebrate! I was inspired by the coloured streamers that I loved as a child. You know, Carnival is mainly confetti and streamers. I have always hated confetti hiding everywhere, and I loved streamers on the other side.

I kept Zoya Reece as my base, because it makes a great colour for a princess or fairy costume. Then I stamped over it with white first and with yellow afterwards with my new Major Dijit 09* stamping plate. I had never tried this brand before and I am very impressed.

Here’s my full mani!

Mardi Gras nail art

Mardi Gras nail art

Mardi Gras nail art

I received this stamping plate from a new to me online store: EnjoyOurs. It’s one of those Chinese stores that sell a variety of items from the most different categories. I got my package quite fast and had no issue. Let me tell you I love shopping through these stores at super cheap prices and I am always happy when I find new reliable ones that carry new brands. I don’t mind waiting one to two months to get my purchases delivered, as long as they arrive. This was the case with EnjoyOurs and Major Dijit. I had already heard from this brand but never had the chance to shop it. You guess I couldn’t resist! And you know what? I am impressed by Major Dijit 09. It works great. If all plates from the brand are this good I know this will be the first of many.

Oh and btw, I have a 10% coupon code for you in case you wanna do some shopping over there: SDT10.

What do you think of this mani? I love this look, it will make a perfect Mardi Gras nail art!

Major Dijit 09 stamping plate at Enjoy Ours

Enjoy Ours 10% off coupon code: SDT10

*pr sample



  1. Love how vibrant ans fun this is. Very appropriate for Mardi Gras!

  2. This is such a fun look!! That yellow pairs so well with the shimmer in Reece!

  3. Molto carine, mi piace un sacco il risultato finale!...

  4. è vero, ricordano proprio il carnevale! :) :)
    ...anche io odiavo e odio tutt'oggi i coriandoli! :/

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. This looks awesome - I love the double stamping!

  7. Awesome stamping! Looks great x

  8. Gorgeous mani! Thanks for sharing about a new store to finds new goodies!!

  9. It's so beautiful and fun. I really need this plate. Gonna check out store now!

  10. This is such a vibrant and festive mani! Love it! And your stamping is flawless as always :)

  11. Yes, it is a perfect mani for the carnival season in Italy. I have heard about carnivals in Italy and it's absolutely a fun festival. Wish you too have a good time.

  12. I love this look! Your color selection is also perfect, I get a lot of vibrant and festive vibes from it! :)

  13. Zoya Reece è particolarmente bello e mi piace tanto anche lo stamping, molto preciso! Bella la stamping plate! :-)

  14. I now have a new place to shop for plates! Beautiful mani!


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