Shaka Green Forest Matt + comparison

Hi everyone!

Today I am showing you my latest nail polish purchase, done in a popular Italian drugstore. Shaka Green Forest Matt called my name and came home with me while I was shopping around. As the name suggests it’s a forest green nail polish that actually dries satin, not completely matte. Application is easy although I am no fan of Shaka’s flat brushes. It dries super fast though so you gotta be quick applying it.

Photos: two coats, no top coat.

Smalto Shaka Green Forest Matt nail polish

Smalto Shaka Green Forest Matt nail polish

Smalto Shaka Green Forest Matt nail polish

Did Zoya Verushka come to your mind looking at Shaka Green Forest Matt? I immediately thought of it and threw together a quick comparison. No dupes, unfortunately for my Italian readers! Base colour is the same but the Shaka is way more opaque than the Zoya.

What do you think of Shaka Green Forest Matt? Too dark for Spring?

Smalto Shaka Green Forest Matt nail polish vs smalto Zoya Verushka nail polish comparison confronto




  1. Un colore splendido... anche se forse accanto al suo fratello maggiore sfigura un pò.
    Secondo me è adattissimo anche alla primavera, basta vivacizzarlo con uno stamping floreale ^_^

    1. Presto su questi schermi... anche se anche lo stamping floreale non è proprio in tonalità primaverili :P

  2. urge davvero giro in un'ovs fornita perchè ho molti shaka da cercare e adesso aggiungo pure questo alla lista ahah :P
    non sono un'amante dei verdi ma questo mi piace moltissimo...sarà "colpa" del finish? :)

    1. Ci stavamo commentando in contemporanea :D :D
      Non mi pronuncio sui verdi, sono di parte!

  3. Do dark for spring yes, but for the other side of the world it's the perfect colour for Autumn!

  4. I love matte polishes! I knew right away though that the zoya has way more shimmer.

    1. I guess it was way too long since I've last used the Zoya!

  5. That's a really pretty shade of green!

  6. Verushka is one of my favourite polishes OF ALL TIME so you know that came to mind for me! Haha. It's lovely - I'm not usually a fan of satin finishes but this is so pretty!

  7. That is a really pretty polish! I like how matte it looks compared to the Zoya!

  8. This is the perfect emerald birthstone.

  9. woah - this green is so deep of a green - love it!

  10. Such a gorgeous shade, and I love the finish.

  11. Thank you for the comparison! This is a beautiful polish. I love that shade of green.

  12. What a gorgeous green!! Your swatches are perfect

  13. Un colore meraviglioso *-* personalmente il verde bosco mi piace moltissimo anche durante la primavera!

    1. Io vado un po' col tempo, i colori scuri d'estate li metto poco! E nemmeno in primavera a meno che non ci sia brutto tempo :P


  14. I like Shaka Green more. It's a lovely shade. :-)

  15. Mi piace molto la tonalità e adoro quel finish :-)


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