Mandala stamping

Hi everyone!

Today I am showing you the nail art I created using H&M Neo Noir as a base.

I had initially prepared this mani for a red and black challenge, but the red I used turned out orange over black so I had to pass. I like the look though, so I wanted to share it anyway. It reminds me of some henna tattoos.

For stamping I used Kaleidoscope BPX-L021* nail stamping plate from Bornprettystore.

Mandala nail stamping

Mandala nail stamping

Mandala nail stamping

Mandala nail stamping matte

I love this plate, I’ve already used it several times and it always worked great. I will share all the looks as the time goes by.

What do you think of today’s nail art? Does it also reminds you of a henna tattoo?

*pr sample


  1. This is so rich looking. I had to catch my breath a bit when I saw it matted. It's simple and chic.

  2. Yes, it does remind me of heena tatoo...and that red looks red to me and not might be looking bit orange toned with real eyes. But what a clear perfect pro mani you have done. I am loving it. Very very well done dear. :-)

  3. This looks really cool, it's like a stylised sun!

  4. a me più che i tatuaggi, sempre restando in tema etnico, ricordano di più, come colore, quegli oggetti africani...tipo le statuette...spero di rendere l'idea! :)
    Mi piacciono davvero tanto, trovo che il rosso si sia trasformato in un punto di arancio perfetto! :O

    1. Sì, ho capito quali intendi! In effetti ricordano anche quelli!

  5. I love this plate and am thrilled with how the black and brown look together with the stamping. I have not tried this combo and now want to.

  6. Oh that plate!! I need! Your nail art looks amazing. Saw it on facebook and my jaw dropped a little :-D Gorgeous!

  7. Great plate and the colors you picked go really nicely together. Simple but fabulous.

  8. Beautiful work Simona, I love the warm and rich colour you stamped with, such a beautiful manicure :)

  9. Love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love!!!!!!!

  10. Bella combinazione di colori, mi piace molto la versione matte! :-)

  11. Li ricorda proprio, anche se io lo vedo marrone e non arancione :) Bellissimo stamping!

    1. Grazie! Sto smalto rosso è stato tutto un programma! Lucido tirava più all'arancione bruciato, appena l'ho mattificato è diventato quasi marrone in effetti!


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