Catrice ICONails 14 Mint Map

Hi everyone!

After showing you a preview of the new ICONails Gel Lacquer by Catrice Cosmetics I’m back with the first shade I wore: no. 14 Mint Map.

As the name says Catrice ICONails Mint Map is a pastel mint crème nail polish. Formula is on the thick side but workable, esp. keeping in mind it’s a pastel shade. Colour is opaque at first coat already, although I always prefer adding a second one to help with lasting time. The rounded brush guarantees easy painting leaving the cuticles quite clean so you barely need any touch-up. The cap is double and you can take the big one off and just use the small one for a better grip.

Photos: two coats + ICONails gel top coat.


Catrice ICONails 14 Mint Map

Catrice ICONails 14 Mint Map

Catrice ICONails 14 Mint Map

Catrice Cosmetics NEW IcoNails Gel Lacquer


This new nail polish range should last up to 7 days. It chipped on me after less than two. But as I’ve said in my preview post the gel top coat is meant to cure under the sunlight, and it’s been raining for 10 days here. I need to test it the way it’s meant to be i.e. during a sunny day and check if it really helps lasing time. And anyway “Up to…” really means next to nothing. Know what I mean?

Back to this nail polish itself, I find it quite pretty, easy to apply and very smooth and glossy. A very good pastel creme.

What do you think of the shade? Are you looking forward to this range to pop up in stores?



  1. Colour is beautiful, that`s a shame it stayed on your nails only 2 days...

  2. Colour is pretty. Is there ingredients list for top coat? It could be just a regular top coat and not hybrid one.

    1. Yes, there is an ingredients list on the box, but I have no idea what to look for to check if it's hybrid or regular honestly.

  3. Adoro il color Tiffany/menta, in primavera ed estate è uno dei miei colori preferiti!
    Peccato che si è scheggiato quasi subito...perché il colore merita veramente!
    Un bacione!

  4. This is such a pretty mint!

  5. Peccato per la durata, mi piace questa tonalità! :-)

  6. eh, peccato sì per la durata perchè come creme e come colore non è per niente male! :)

    1. Per niente! Mi toccherà fare qualche prova con base e top coat diversi.


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