Products I love: handbag organizer

Hi everyone!

Today I am reviewing something different than nail polish or nail art stuff. I will share with you a very useful item that totally made my life easier: a handbag organizer.

I use big bags that I can fill with plenty of stuff, that also means when I need something I won’t find it unless I empty the bag. Does that happen to you, too? Last year I started looking for something to organize my bag so I could find what I was needing in a second. I finally found this item I am showing you today, which I loved so much that I got a second one a few months ago.

It’s an organizer made of polyester in size 28cm x 9cm (about 11in x3,5in). You can change the depth by closing the buttons at the sides or leaving them open instead. This organizer has plenty of pockets, a big open one in the center, two that can be closed by zippers at the sides and various smaller outer ones. It comes in different colours. I purchased a brown one at first, because it fit lots of my bags, then I was sent a red one by EnjoyOurs, an online webshop I already mentioned before. The red one is what I photographed today but they are the same. I just noticed the colours vary depending on the seasons. Right now there’s no brown available but there’s plenty of bright Spring shades such as blue, lilac, pink and a lovely pea green!

Other than filling it very neatly thanks to its pockets, I find it super handy that it has some small belts so you can just pull it out of one bag and put it in another one. That quick! Seriously, I needed like 15 minutes to change my bags before I had these organizers! Is that me only? Now 2 minutes and I’m good to go.

Photos explain it better than I can do, so here you get a few!


Handbag organizer - divisorio da borsa

Handbag organizer - divisorio da borsa

Handbag organizer - divisorio da borsa

Handbag organizer - divisorio da borsa

Handbag organizer - divisorio da borsa

Handbag organizer - divisorio da borsa


As you can see I don’t close the buttons because I keep my wallet in the main pocket and it’s huge. This way it’s the first thing I find when I open my bag, same for my keys, which are in the same pocket. In the zipped side “A” I have lipstick and powder for mid-day touch-ups, while in side “B” I have a mirror, hand cream and lip balm. In the outer pockets I keep a side for nail related stuff mainly i.e. cuticle balms and oils and a nail file. Then wipes, tissues, a pen, phone charger etc. On the other side I have pain killers because I never know when migraines hit me, and a folding shopping bag. Then whatever I need I just put it in a random pocket.

If you wanna have a look at this incredibly useful product, or anything else really, there are links underneath! And if you feel like shopping at EnjoyOurs you can use code SDT10 for 10% off.

How do you keep your bag organized? Do you like big bags or purses? Funny enough, I was all about purses when I was younger. Now my wallet alone wouldn’t fit one of them!


Useful links:


*pr sample



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. "É muito prático mesmo."

      I agree! Thanks for your comment!

  2. Ohhhhh this is a great product! I will have to look into this when I have extra money again.

    1. It's super cheap! I completely forgot to mention the price haha.

  3. I love having organizers for my bag. I can't find anything in there otherwise

    1. Thank you! I'm glad I'm not the only one needing this stuff!

  4. I've seen these kind of products before in the media, but haven't seen them in shops here in Cape Town that i'm aware off. They will came in handy, especially with my Mother when she asked me to get something out of her bag i have to scratch or dug very deep to find what she's looking for.

    1. Funny enough, after searching the web up and down for such a product it even popped up in local Groupon deals!
      It's totally handy!

  5. io invece sono l'opposto di molte ragazze: a me piace proprio cambiare la disposizione della roba in ogni borsa che possiedo!
    A parte che poi, a seconda di periodo e stagione, cambio spesso proprio il contenuto e quindi averlo già tutto "imballato" mi comporterebbe comunque un lavoro di cernita...e quindi va da sè che trovo sì il bag organizer comodo ma semplicemente non fa per me :)
    in ogni caso, ho molte amiche che lo usano e a vederlo, il tuo sembra fatto proprio bene :) :)

    1. Ma dai? Che memoria hai poi a trovare le cose? Io non devo necessariamente averle nello stesso posto, però ho bisogno che siano tutte visibili a colpo d'occhio, altrimenti non trovo proprio nulla. E poi veramente il cambio borsa mi pesava un sacco perchè ci perdevo un secolo, invece adesso se una mattina voglio cambiare prendo l'organizer così com'è e lo ficco in un'altra borsa. Una pacchia!

    2. diciamo che la mia mentalità da "vergine ossessivo compulsiva metodica" aiuta molto :P ahahah
      per ogni borsa so dove mettere la roba (esempio: taschino interno sempre riservato a burrocacao, amuchina, porta fortuna e coltellino svizzero) e quindi ormai vado in automatico :)
      gli unici "guai" li ho quando compro borse fortunatamente (o no??:P) ho gusti costosi e quindi non è che ne compro spesso di nuove ;) :) <3

    3. Ecco invece io ne compro tante e da spendere poco, perchè appena un gatto ci arriva e mi ci da un graffio io non le uso più!

  6. I absolutely positively need a handbag organizer like this. I'm too lazy to change bags and I have so many nice ones! thank you for this

    1. I know right??? I have sooo many bags and I love to change them even according to what colour I am wearing! This makes everything so fast.


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