Kiko Magnetic 702 Rosso Rame

Hi everyone!

Today I am introducing to you a webshop I didn’t know myself until a couple months ago. It’s, which is an online shop similar to Bornpretty or Beautybigbang to make it short. They sell a variety of items including nail art stuff. Some pieces are the same as the other shops, some I had never seen before.

When they offered me some products to test and review I started browsing the shop and I found a very interesting deal for nail polish magnets. If you follow my blog you might know I only used magnetic polish for stamping until last year more or less. Lately I changed my mind, or my taste, and I fell in love with magnetics again and I love their effects. Plus if you are on Instagram you’ve probably seen all those new magnetic nail polishes around, or maybe it’s the new more powerful magnets to make them so gorgeous. Who knows! Anyway, the one I’ve always longed for was the “cat’s eye” effect. To make it short sells a 11 pieces set of magnets* for 3.74$, including the cat’s eye magnet. That seems like a deal to me. I’ve seen the cat’s eye magnet alone selling for that price, they send you 10 more!

Time to test that one! I used an old but perfectly working maroon coloured Kiko 702. I did the first coat the easy way and let it dry. Then I painted a nail and followed with the magnets right after, one nail at a time. I didn’t really know where to place the magnet because it’s a rectangle with no sign. I placed it diagonally on the nail and waited a few seconds. My index nail didn’t get a big effect, it’s only lighter at the base. On the other nails though the effect is very visible and I love it!


Kiko Magnetic 702

Kiko Magnetic 702

Kiko Magnetic 702 #kiko #kikocosmetics #magneticnails #nails #smalto #lightyournails 11 pieces set magnets for nail art

You can see all the magnets you get for 3.74$ above here. I keep thinking it’s a deal. The cat’s eye magnet is a big yes, what about the other ones? I tried all of them quickly. My favourite are no. 1, no. 2 and no. 7. With no. 9 I only get the vertical line to show. I think my nails are either too narrow or too curved for those arches to show. No. 5 is similar to no. 7 on me, but I prefer no. 7 because the waves are way more visible with it. Below you can see the effect I get with no. 5 which I don’t really love. If you are good at free handing you also get the magnetic pen to have fun.

Here’s the link to the 11 pieces magnets set and you can browse the shop and have a look around. If you are into hair extensions has got a “sister” shop called SheinHair. Not something for me but maybe there’s some fan out there!


Kiko Magnetic 702


*pr sample



  1. Non ho mai comprato gli smalti con l'effetto magnetico, li ho sempre snobbati anche io..pero mi piace l'effetto!!
    Avevo sentito parlare di questo siti ma non ho mai curiosato quello che offre, ci darò un occhiata!

    1. Io adoro questi siti cinesi che vendono roba a prezzi bassissimi :D

  2. Lo smalto ce l'ho, stranamente XD
    Cmq anche secondo me questi magnetici son da riscoprire ^^
    Per quanto riguarda i magneti, trovo che non abbia senso inserire nel set il modello 1 E il 2... insomma, sono uguali, basta ruotarli XD

    1. Magari per chi ha le unghie molto lunghe non basta? Non saprei, però sono i due che funzionano meglio :D

  3. Grazie per le dritte, appena ho un attimo vado anche io a curiosare :-)


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