Barielle Shades Blackened Bleu

Hi everyone!

Today I’m showing you a nail polish that is quite hard to find nowadays.

Barielle Shades Blackened Bleu comes from Fall 2009 collection, which was a collaboration with nail blogger All Lacquered Up. I can definitely see a blogger behind this collection, especially if you keep in mind it was 2009 and there were no indies back then.

Blackened Bleu is a black jelly base packed with blue shimmer. The colour is buildable to add depth and coverage. You need at least three coats for a good result. Application is easy but drying time is a real pain. Therefore you have to wait between coats or you’ll drag the colour you’ve already applied. You can see that at the base of my middle.

Photos: three coats, no top coat.


Smalto Barielle Shades Blackened Bleu nail polish

Smalto Barielle Shades Blackened Bleu nail polish

Smalto Barielle Shades Blackened Bleu nail polish #barielle #nails #unghie #lightyournails


The colour itself is really pretty and you get so much depth by adding coats thanks to the shimmer in the sheer base. Shame drying time is so slow, I’ve never been a patient person. Also, it’s a blackened blue as the name says, but for some reason I thought it were a teal when I got it. Anyway, happy to have it in my stash even if I am not 100% satisfied with it.

What do you think about it?


  1. Wow a me il colore Piave tantissimo!! Peccato che sia difficile da trovare..pensi che sia proprio impossibile?

  2. This is the perfect base for a galaxy!

  3. This is a lovely, classic Barielle shade!

  4. E' proprio bello ed è vero che si vede la mano di una NPA ;)
    Mi ricorda un po' il blu essence della collezione di twilight, ma il Barielle lo vedo molto più profondo :)

    1. Non avevo preso niente di quella collezione perchè per me erano troppo scuri!

  5. Ooooh so pretty! Love how the blue peeks out from the black base.


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