Layla CE45 Coral Bay

Hi everyone!

After wearing nude and neutral nails every so often lately I needed something brighter.

My pick was Layla CE45 Coral Bay, a lovely orange-y red. I wouldn’t call it coral though. Application is really easy and it has perfect coverage in two coats. Finish is very glossy, it almost looks like a jelly. Drying time is quick, too. Nothing to complain!

Photos: two coats, no top coat.


Smalto Layla CE45 Coral Bay nail polish

Smalto Layla CE45 Coral Bay nail polish

Smalto Layla CE45 Coral Bay nail polish #layla #ceramiceffect #lightyournails #red #nails #unghie


I love red nails but I don’t own many nail polishes that lean orange this much. It’s probably more of a summer shade but I really needed something this bright right now.

What do you think about it? Do you like wearing red nails? And what shade is your favourite?



  1. I am not a fan of red nails but I have to admit now and then I were them. This shade is lovely.

  2. Such a bright and vibrant red!

  3. These kinds of bright reds are my favorites

    1. I love more true-red ones but this is a good change for once!

  4. Wow molto bello questo rosso. È un tipo di rosso tendente all'arancio che non credo di aver mai visto. Sicuramente d'estate questo è il top!
    Mi piacciono molto gli smalti rossi, da quelli fragola a quelli più scuri, quasi tendente al Borgogna!

  5. Molto vivace e fresco! Rosso non è uno dei miei colori preferiti, raramente porto gli smalti rossi e di sicuro ci deve essere un po' di nail art o stamping sopra! :-)

  6. Oh wow! This looks absolutely perfect on you, it's a great red with your skin tone


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