Misa Lost to the World

Hi everyone!

New week, new job interview, new neutral mani. This time I picked Misa Lost to The World, which was released with Fall 2012 WanderLust collection. Misa doesn’t seem too popular for a brand, I don’t see it very often on blogs. They do have some pretty colours though and I remember falling in love with the WanderLust collection back at that time.

Misa Lost to The World is a medium brown leaning to mauve. On some skin tones you will see it brown, on mine you can definitely see that mauve tone. It’s packed with golden shimmer which you can clearly see in the bottle and in my photos. Unfortunately the shimmer doesn’t really show on the nails, in real life it looks like a simple creme. Application is easy, formula is very watery but it has a good coverage with two coats. Drying time is not too fast.

Photos: two coats, no top coat.


Smalto Misa Lost to the World nail polish

Smalto Misa Lost to the World nail polish

Smalto Misa Lost to the World nail polish #misa #nails #unghie #lightyournails


It’s such a shame that golden shimmer doesn’t translate to the nails because it would make it special. It’s a common shade instead. It also lasted very little on me, it chipped on day two. I must add I changed my base coat though so I don’t know who’s to blame.

How do you like it? Do you agree that Misa is an under rated brand?



  1. Mi piace molto, lo trovo un colore molto portabile ed elegante!
    Ma dimmi, che base smalto usi per ora? E come mai hai cambiato la precedente?

    1. Adesso ne sto usando una della Sinful Colors. Sto facendo una pausa dalle solite perchè sono tutte rinforzanti, e alla lunga mi stavano rovinando troppo le unghie :(

  2. Ma che meraviglia! Adoro questi colori! Quando sono nel mood Nude adoro quello shimmer in più. Come va con i colloqui?
    A presto

  3. I like it, it is a classy looking shade!

  4. Mi piace molto questo colore, portabile per tutte le occasioni!
    Spero che avrai presto notizie dei colloqui, so cosa significa l'attesa...😔

  5. This is a really lovely shade. I can definitely see some of the golden shimmer on your nails, even if it's not as much as you'd hoped for.

  6. I regret I did not pick up more Misas back in the day! They have so many lovely shimmer polishes.

    1. That's true! I am so happy I could grab some during a sale!

  7. Good luck with the job prospect! This is a gorgeous polish.

  8. Molto elegante, mi piace tanto! :-)

  9. It's a beautiful shade, but you're right, if the gold shimmer had been more prominent, it would have been so much more special!


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