Kiko Magnetic 707 Antracite

Hi everyone!

For letter K in the Untried A-Z challenge I picked a very old nail polish. It's Kiko 707 from their Magnetic collection which is long discontinued. In the last year there was a come back of magnetic nail polishes thanks to the new magnets that give more interesting effects to the nails. I must say thanks to those new magnets I used some of my untried magnetics, too.

Kiko 707 is a gunmetal grey if used as a standard nail polish. When you use a magnet the particles kinda pile together and some parts of the nails are left completely black. It's such an interesting shade! Application is a dream, I didn't even need to clean around my cuticles. Drying time is very fast and the finish is unbelievably glossy.

Photos are two coats without a top coat. First pics are with a cat eye magnet, last one is a classic for diagonal stripes. Both of them are from You can find a review of that 11-magnets-pieces set >HERE< on the blog.


Smalto magnetico grigio Kiko 707 magnetic grey nail polish

Smalto magnetico grigio Kiko 707 magnetic grey nail polish

Smalto magnetico grigio Kiko 707 magnetic grey nail polish #kiko #nails #unghie #magnetic

Smalto magnetico grigio Kiko 707 magnetic grey nail polish #kiko #nails #unghie #magnetic


Cosa ne dite? A me è piaciuto tantissimo l'effetto in entrambe le versioni!

Avete anche voi degli smalti magnetici nella vostra collezione?



  1. I can never get enough of magnetics and this is such a pretty one!

    1. It's fun I've never really liked them when they were first released and now I'm such a big fan!
      Also, sorry for the belated answer, I just found out Blogger is no longer not notifying me new comments.


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