Essie Ole Caliente

Hi everyone!

It's time for letter O in the Untried A-Z Challenge and my pick is Ole Caliente by Essie.

Essie Ole Caliente is a red coral creme. I have a mini sized bottle and it applies like butter. I bet the big bottle acts the same. The colour is rich and even, perfect for a summer mani or pedi, too. Actually this is gonna be my next pedi colour for sure. Drying time is quick and it has a glossy finish.

Photos: two coats, no top coat.


Smalto rosso corallo Essie Ole Caliente red coral nail polish #essie #nails #unghie #lightyournails

Smalto rosso corallo Essie Ole Caliente red coral nail polish #essie #nails #unghie #lightyournails

Smalto rosso corallo Essie Ole Caliente red coral nail polish #essie #nails #unghie #lightyournails


This mini was part of a set of 4 that I purchased on sale back a few years ago and I must say it's great. Both the formula and the shade are perfect.

What do you think of it? Are you a fan of Essie's nail polish?



  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! I totally agree.
      Also, sorry for the belated answer, I just found out Blogger is no longer not notifying me new comments.

  2. Hi: Yes, I am a big fan of Essie nail polish and this red color would be perfect for a pedicure, I might try it myself, Love your web blog and will visit it more often. Nice photo work. Geo.


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