Astra Gel Expert 02 Neige

Hi everyone!

Astra recently launched a Gel effect nail polish line and I was curious to test what they deliver. First time I went to the shop carrying this Italian brand I passed because the colours looked kinda boring for me. I was really tempted by the white creme but I decided to pass on it. When I went there again I just gave up and bought it. And I am glad I did!

This is Astra Gel Expert in no. 02 Neige (Snow) and it’s actually not a white creme! To my biggest surprise it dried to a semi-matte finish! Application wise it’s a dream and it dries fast, too. I think I might have found a good white base!

Two coats in the photos.


Astra Gel Expert 02 Neige

Astra Gel Expert 02 Neige

Astra Gel Expert 02 Neige


See how flawless it looks? I can’t believe it! Such a positive surprise for me.

That was it! What’s your favourite white nail polish?



  1. The finish looks my kind. I like it.

  2. Difficilissimo trovare un bianco che non faccia righe o non abbia bisogno di millemila passate, complimenti ad astra, il finish particolare va benissimo, tanto basta un pò di TC per lucidarlo, ottimo come base per le nail art

    1. Che poi usandolo come base non è che importa tanto il finish, basta che funzioni bene!

  3. È coprente dalla prima passata? Perché io ormai sto provando qualsiasi smalto bianco mi capiti ma nessuno mi soddisfa a pieno

    1. Seconda! Ma si stendono a meraviglia e asciugano veloci!

  4. I love this white polish, it would have been sad not to buy it! The finish is amazing !
    At the moment my favorite white is Blanc by Essie :)

  5. Incredibile ma vero! Questa sì che è una buona notizia <3

  6. ...mi hai fatto venire voglia di ridarmi lo smalto bianco...tanto che non lo uso!!!
    ...un bacione!!!

  7. I love a good white manicure...until I put it on. Then I hate it with the fire of a thousand suns. So thank you for allowing me to live vicariously through your fingers!

    1. Haha thanks Nichole! I guess it's the same for me and shimmery reds!

  8. That is a gorgeous white, so flawless. My favorite white is SinfulColors Snow Me White.

    1. Thank you Ashlee! I love SC Snow Me White for stamping! But this Astra is easier to paint so it actually got a point more than the SC!

  9. Perfection! I wish I could have a white this flawless, I always have the worst luck.

    1. I know how it feels! I've been hunting the perfect white for such a long time!

  10. Oh wow that looks excellent! I love the semi-matte, quick drying properties, such great things for a nail art base!

  11. This looks like an excellent base!

  12. That sounds indeed like a perfect base! Which is surprising, especially since it dries semi-matte?!

    1. I actually like Nyx Matte White for a base, too, and that's a real matte white!

  13. That is like the most perfect white! My personal favorite is "Baptism" by OPNL :)

    1. I'd love to try some of their polishes, but I have none yet!

  14. That looks like a great white polish!! I'm jealous that you found an awesome one haha!

  15. It looks line a perfect palate cleansing white! Beautiful!

  16. Wow, nice to see a white satin with good coverage and leveling!

  17. Ho fatto scorta a Maggio e mi sono trovata benissimo. L'unico neo è rappresentato dal trasperente (che avevo preso come top coat) che non asciuga MAI. Ho adocchiato anche io il bianco, ma non riuscendo a capire quanto fosse coprente, ho desistito. Che bella notizia che mi hai dato!!

    1. Ah dai?! Io non ho trovato altri colori da voler prendere senza meno. Se ricordo bene i bianchi sono 2, l'altro mi sa che è più sheer.

  18. Una tela perfettamente immacolata pronta per una nail art! :-)


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