Essence: 021 Hypnotic Poison

Hi everyone!

Let’s go on with the swatches of my very first haul. The next polish I decided to wear is Essence Colour & Go Hypnotic Poison.

Essence 021 Hypnotic Poison

Curious why I picked this one? I was dressed like this and the choice as you can see in my hand were either Hypnotic Poison or (Catrice) Hip Queens Wear Blue Jeans. In the end I went for the the Essence one.

Essence 021 Hypnotic Poison or Catrice Hip Queens Wear Blue Jeans!?

Hypnotic Poison is a wonderful purple shade with a wonderful shimmer under the sun. You can see the shimmer perfectly in this photo:

Essence 021 Hypnotic Poison

Essence 021 Hypnotic Poison

Essence 021 Hypnotic Poison

Inside or in the shadow it looks more red than purple.

Essence 021 Hypnotic Poison

This colours is amazing. It’s very elegant still being perfect for a summer look. I loved it! Application was really smooth and the formula is great. All my pics are two coats without top coat.

I can happily add this one to the list of my favourites!

Have you bought Hypnotic Poison? Did you like it as much as I did?


  1. l'ho comprato proprio ieri! era da un po' che l'avevo puntato ma non riuscivo mai a trovarlo ;)


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