Stamping with BornPretty BP-04 plate

Hi everyone!

A few weeks ago I received some stamping plates for review from BornPrettyStore along my most recent order. Today I’ll show you one of those plates. I stamped with it twice because I didn’t like the first look. Don’t get me wrong: quality wise it stamps perfectly but I didn’t like the colours I picked. The black stamping covers the base red too much for my taste. You know it’s something I always struggle with when I have these bold patterns.

Ciao a tutti!

Qualche settimana fa assieme al mio ultimo ordine da BornPrettyStore ho anche ricevuto qualche plate da recensire sul blog. Oggi vi faccio vedere una di quelle. Ho fatto due tentativi perchè il primo non mi era piaciuto. Non fraintendetemi, la qualità c’è tutta, sono i colori che ho scelto che non mi hanno convinta. La stampa nera copre tutta la base rossa, troppo per i miei gusti. Questi disegni molto coprenti mi danno sempre problemi con la scelta dei colori.

Stamping with BornPretty BP-04 plate

Stamping with BornPretty BP-04 plate


I decided to re-try with completely different colours, but I still don’t like it.
Per il secondo tentativo ho cambiato completamente colori, ma ancora non mi è piaciuto.

Stamping with BornPretty BP-04 plate


This is it: BP-04, also called peacock plate. I guess I just don’t like the designs on it and I know it’s a matter of personal taste. If you like the patterns just go for it because the quality is good as usual!
Questa è la plate BP-04, anche chiamata peacock, ovvero pavone. Immagino che questi disegni non facciano per me, ma se a voi piacciono ve la consiglio assolutamente perchè la qualità è buona come sempre!

BornPrettyStore BP-04 stamping plate

KBJ61 for 10% off sitewide at BornPrettyStore


** some items in this post were sent to me for free for review – alcuni oggetti in questo post mi sono stati inviati gratuitamente a scopo valutativo


  1. At the beginning of your post I was thinking to myself I really like the black and red stamping, I don't know why she doesn't. But then I got farther down and saw the Gold and teal and was like ok now I understand. They are both great manicures but the teal version blows the red version out of the water.

    1. Thank you :) I don't like neither of the colour choices actually :p

  2. I actually really like the first mani with red and black - it looks velvety! But I understand what you mean... images that cover most of the base color are difficult to work with.

    1. Yes they are! I guess I should stick with duochrome stamping with them!

  3. I like the colors used in the second stamping!

  4. I think both of these looks are really pretty! The stamping design does overpower the base a bit but I don't mind that.

    1. I really do! I think I should use a dark base and multichrome stamping when the design is so big!

  5. Both gorgeous! Pretty plate, received some of bps today!

  6. Potresti provare ancora una combinazione (o due): fondo crème scuro e stamping metallico :-)

  7. Good you wrote about it because I have the peacock plate and wasn't impressed by it. It looks better on the plate than on my nails. I did 3manis and looking back, I didn't truly like the looks. I guess the lines are too bold but I love the second mani!

    1. I completely agree with you but I am so sick of this patterns that I just don't want to use more time for a third look!

  8. I prefer the second one, to me this red doesn't fit with black ! It's always hard to find 2 colors when the stamping is big..

    1. That's right! I think I should stick to dark base and duochrome stamping from now on when I have these bold patterns.

  9. Belli entrambi ma il primo stamping mi è piaciuto di più; secondo me nero e rosso insieme sono molto sexy! ;-)

    1. L'idea del nero e rosso mi piace, ma qua il nero copre troppo!

  10. Hmm yeah, I'm always uncertain about stamping images like these - somehow I can't get them to work for me either!

  11. La seconda in effetti è molto meglio, si nota bene il disegno senza che sia "in your face" :)

  12. Onestamente non ero riuscita a vederci le piume di un pavone, ma debbo dire che cmq la seconda manicure è bellissima!


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