Butterflies stamping with BP-07

Hi everyone!

Short tonight because it’s RRRRReally late!

Last week I showed you plate BP-07 from BornPrettyStore and I told you some patterns were not as good as the one I previously used. This is the design that doesn’t stamp well. Actually, it doesn’t pick up well on the stamper so it obviously doesn’t stamp! The center of the butterfly is probably not etched enough and it’s impossible to transfer it on the nail. It’s a shame because the pattern itself is really pretty and it screams Spring to me. I tried hiding the missing colour with China Glaze Wireless Holographic top coat but it didn’t help that much.

Ciao a tutti!

Stasera sarò brevissima perchè è MOLTO tardi.

La scorsa settimana vi ho parlato della plate BP-07 di BornPrettyStore e vi ho accennato che non tutti i disegni stampavano bene. Questo è il disegno incriminato. Il centro della farfalla probabilmente non è abbastanza scavato, di conseguenza il colore non si trasferisce sullo stamper, nè tantomeno sull’unghia. E’ un peccato perchè è un disegno molto carino e mi ispira primavera. Ho provato a coprire il colore sbiadito con il top coat Wireless Holographic di China Glaze ma non ha aiutato granchè.

Butterflies stamping with BP-07 from BornPrettyStore

Butterflies stamping with BP-07 from BornPrettyStore

Butterflies stamping with BP-07 from BornPrettyStore


This was the plate btw.
La plate è questa!
BornPrettyStore BP-07 stamping plate


I still like this plate but it’s a shame I can’t use all of its patterns.

And now I’m off to bed! Talk to you soon!

Questa plate mi piace ancora molto ma è davvero un peccato non poterla utilizzare al completo.

Adesso scappo a letto, a domani!

KBJ61 for 10% off sitewide at BornPrettyStore


  1. Sad that it doesn't work very well. I think there is a very uneven quality of these plates. Some work perfect and others don't. I also have a pattern from a BP today that didn't pick up all the small details.

    1. I must say I've been lucky so far. But this plate is odd because one pattern works and the other one does not!

  2. Aww it's shame that the butterfly doesn't stamp well because it's a beautiful design!

  3. Non so cosa dire se non che è un vero peccato e ho rosicato tantissimo anch'io! :/ Quella plate l'ho presa praticamente solo per il design a farfalla.

    1. In realtà anche io... per fortuna mi piace un sacco anche quello simil-geometrico!

  4. Io con certi avevo disegni ho l'effetto opposto, ovvero che tengono troppo il colore e poi quando li vado a stampare escono sbavati :/ un vero peccato

    1. Ho paura che lì sia colpa dello smalto! A me lo fa con un Kiko e con tutti quelli bianchi!

  5. I tried this pattern on a piece of paper once. It seemed carved well but I have to try it on nails. Great stamping as you always do, there must be something bad with your plate!

    1. Try it! I know I am not the only one who had problems with this pattern!

  6. Noooo mannaggia! Io odio quando accadono queste cose.... ma hai provato anche con altri smalti? Io in questi giorni ho in programma di mettere alla prova un'altra platedi BP e spero di non avere lo stesso problema perchè ha diversi spazi vuoti :-P

    1. Non ho provato con altri smalti, ma lo vedo a occhio che non è colpa di quello :/

  7. That stinks that it wasn't etched well. Still though, this is a gorgeous mani! I looks like some sort of fun fabric!

  8. That's a lovely mani! The image looks amazing over that bright red base. Perfection!

  9. bummer that the image doesn't work well! You still rocked it though!

  10. Such a shame when a good design on a plate doesn't stampt well.

  11. too bad that it didn't pick up well enough!

  12. aw i'm sorry it didn't work out very well :(

  13. That sucks that you couldn't use all of the designs, especially when the plate is so pretty.

    1. That's it! I really liked all of the patterns here so I was really disappointed I can't use them all!

  14. Such a shame that it didn't stamp well! The design is beautiful and I love the look of this mani!

  15. What a shame! The design is really beautiful! I have only one plate from BP, which I haven't tried yet, I hope it works well ;)

    1. I am sure it will! It's the first time I experience problems with BPS plates!

  16. Too bad the pattern didn't fully transfer :( maybe if you create a more "rough" background, maybe some grey with a bit of distressed black and dark grey, and then stamp it like this, it could look more "faded" on purpose?

    1. Maybe! I just don't like having to be creative just because it doesn't to its job!

  17. Oh man :-( That stinks about the plate not transferring because it's such a pretty plate and I love butterflies!! It's so pretty nonetheless!

  18. That is so sad! They changed the plate, because the middle image was too small, but now it seems to not have been etched well enough :( So sad... The old plate stamped better, I used it in one of my first stamping adventures...

  19. It is such a pretty plate, too bad the image didn´t transfer well :(

  20. Questa nail art mi ha subito colpita che ho dovuto cliccarci sopra!!
    Peccato che alcuni stampi non venga propiro bene.... ma me piace comunque. :)


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