OPI Amazon… Amazoff

Hi everyone!

I missed Sunday’s post again. That’s why I never do New Year’s resolutions, I just won’t keep up with them.

Today I have some simple swatches for you. I’ve recently won OPI Amazon… Amazoff from the Brazil collection and I wore it the same day I got it in my mail. I knew this kind of colours are the Evil stain-wise so I decided to go for a peel-off base. Man, that wasn’t enough! When I removed it the day after my nails were completely green! I hate when polishes do that.

It would be a pretty colour if it weren’t a stainer though. It’s a green teal with some shy shimmer. In the shade it just looks like your regular creme, but in the sunlight you can see that it’s a shimmer indeed.

These are two coats without top coat.

Ciao a tutti!

Ho di nuovo saltato il post domenicale. Ecco il motivo per cui non faccio una lista dei buoni propositi dell’anno nuovo: tanto non riesco a mantenerli!

Oggi vi mostro un semplice swatch di uno smalto che ho ricevuto grazie alla community beautytester.it. Si tratta dell’OPI Amazon… Amazoff, dalla collezione Brasil. L’ho indossato il giorno stesso in cui l’ho ricevuto. Ma lo so che certi colori sono il male per quanto riguarda il macchiare quindi sono partita con una base peel-off. E non è bastata! Il giorno dopo quando l’ho tolto (sollevandolo) avevo le unghie verdissime. Odio quando gli smalti macchiano in quel modo.

Sarebbe un bellissimo colore se non avesse questo difetto. E’ un bel verde petrolio con uno shimmer discreto, che si fa notare solo alla luce del sole. All’ombra sembra una semplicissima lacca.

Queste sono due passate senza top coat.

OPI Amazon… Amazoff

OPI Amazon… Amazoff

OPI Amazon… Amazoff


What can I say? It was a while since I last used a colour that stained my nails so badly. And it was mostly cheap brands. I did expect such a colour to stain, but not from an OPI to stain THIS bad. All in all I don’t think I’ll ever use it again. It was a real disappointment :(
Che dire? Era parecchio che non usavo un colore che mi macchiasse così tanto le unghie, e si trattava di marche economiche. Lo so che certi colori macchiano, parto preparata, però non mi aspetto che un OPI macchi così tanto. Non credo che lo userò mai più, è stata veramente una delusione ç_ç


** some items in this post were sent to me for free for review – alcuni oggetti in questo post mi sono stati inviati gratuitamente a scopo valutativo


  1. Oh too bad! I have this one too and I looove the colour, but yeah the staining is really bad :( I think about using it often but then I am put off by the staining risk.

    1. I completely get that! I know I have some untried polishes just because I'm scared they'll stain my nails!

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    1. Thank you for your comment! Sorry I don't post links!

  3. It's gorgeous! Bummer it stains :(

  4. It's a shame about the staining because this color is absolutely beautiful. But it's one of those colors that you know will stain just from glancing at it.

    1. Yes that's right. I was prepared to its staining. Not that much though!

  5. I hate it when good colours stain so badly!

  6. That's a shame about the horrible staining. I've wanted to pick this up for a while but I think I'll pass. But gah why does it have to be so pretty!?

    1. I feel the same! It's so pretty but I know I'll never wear it again!

  7. I saw this on your instagram and swooned! It's such a stunning shade. So crappy it is such a stainer though! :(

  8. I love the color of this polish! I own it but obviously I haven't worn it yet because I didn't know that it was a stainer /:

  9. Ahhhh staining scares me!! Throw it out!! I kept a stained and used it again because I forgot. It was not fun. It's a shame because this is a nice color.

    1. I hate that it's so bad because I love the shade! But yup, I defiitely have to get rid of it.

  10. Ugh why does this have to be a stainer? I've been eyeing this color and it's so beautiful!

  11. What a bummer about the staining! Either way it's a stunning color though! I use Julep Vanish cuticle remover for staining...it removes stains instantly!

    1. I went with toothpaste and some Blue Cross but it still pisses me off!

  12. I wish this one wasn't such a stainer because it's so gorgeous!!

  13. It's sad because the color is so beautiful..

  14. Yeah, I have this one, it would be a favorite but because of the terrible staining I just don't wear it. The clean-up alone is a horror show already!

    1. That's so true Deborah. I was super careful applying it so I didn't have to do any cleaning!

  15. too bad about the staining - it's so pretty!

  16. Such a pretty color! Too bad it stains. :(

  17. Yeah, I had some mild staining with this one and it's definitely a turn-off. It's so pretty though!

  18. Peel-off bases do not block staining at all in my experience, did you wear a regular base coat over the peel off one? If not, please do so next time, I think it will help! :)

    1. I usually use a base coat under the peel-off but I must admit I had no time for both this time. I thought the peel-off base coat would have blocked the colour on its own. So wrong of me :(

  19. Comprato l'anno scorso al Cosmoprof, provato con grande entusiasmo e stesso effetto. Ora lo uso solo quando ho già una base, e per la rimozione grande attenzione. Che rottura però dopo aver speso dei soldi...

    1. E' anche se spendi 2€ è una cosa, quando ne spendi dai 7€ ai 13€ ti rode un tot. Almeno a me!

  20. Porcaccia miseria, che peccato! È un colore stupendo...

  21. Oh boy. This is on my lem list but since it's a stainer, I think I will have to remove it :-( Such a bummer because it's beautiful!


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