ABC challenge: Half Moon mani

Hi everyone!

Today’s ABC letter is H and I went for some easy nail art instead of plain nail polish. My base is Color Club Take Me To Your Chateau and I attempted my first half moon manicure with it. Darker blue is TNS Cosmetics Night Life.

Blue half moon nails

Blue half moon nails

I used some french manicure tip guides* from BornPrettyStore but I eventually messed up my ring finger. I lifted the sticker too quickly and smudged the edge. Totally my fault. I also think I've used the wrong tip guide shape for this kind of manicure. The round shape is quite wide and it results in a flat line on my index finger. I should have used the round stickers instead. Lesson learned I guess!

Other than that I really like using both classic and creative tip guides for nail arts. They are an easy way to get a pretty mani without needing to be a nail art pro. You just need to be slower that I was haha!

How do you like this half moon manicure? Are you a fan of tip guides as much as I am?

Creative and classic french guides at BornPrettyStore

BornPrettyStore 10% off coupon code: KBJ61

*pr sample – campione gratuito


  1. Ho avuto solo un'esperienza con le guide da french, millenni fa, e non è andata bene per niente X°D Magari ora sarebbe un pelo diverso...forse!
    Non sono una grande estimatrice della half moon, ma in questa combinazione di colori non mi dispiace affatto.

    1. Grazie! Io con questa marca di guide mi son sempre trovata bene.

  2. You know what, I simply lovvvvvvveee these look! <3 <3 <3

  3. Adoro questo tipo di nail art. I cerchietti adesivi per quaderni ad anelli sono perfetti ;) Mi piace molto l'abbinamento di colori che hai fatto. Come prima volta direi super promossa *_*

  4. I had this Color Club! The result is very elegant.

  5. It looks interesting :) I got this set of tips guides as well and I really like them :)

  6. A me il risultato piace parecchio Simo.... se non l'avessi menzionata tu non avrei affatto notato l'imperfezione sull'anulare!

  7. Cool manicure! I love the use of the light blue paired with the dark blue. Nice job!

  8. This is a really nice take on halfmoon manis, the shades are gorgeous together.

  9. I think these half moons turned out really good and it's a beautiful polish combination. Did you start with dark blue first?

    1. I actually had the light colour as a full manicure and then I decided to do some half moons with the darker blue. Maybe making it the other way around is easier though!

  10. It took me a minute to get the H for Half moons, but thats great! Such a pretty blue by Color Club!

  11. I love the colors you used for this! Beautifully done!

  12. Replies
    1. Thank you! It's gorgeous indeed and it has a fantastic formula, too!

  13. I think they stil look great! But yeah, I also feel like my moon is too flat ;-).

  14. This is really nice. I love you using tip guides for nail art since I'm not really into tips.

    1. Thank you Ashlee! I like using them as if they were vynils!

  15. Credo di non aver mai creato un half moon di questo tipo. Avevo in programma l'uso dei salvabuchi ma credo dipenda anche dalla forma dell'unghia. Take Me To Your Chateau è un mio possedimento prezioso, e con quel blu sta benissimo.

    1. Grazie Silvia! Penso che sulle mie unghie dovrei usare la parte "bucata" dei salvabuchi per poter avere una vera curva. Ma sicuramente dipende dalla forma.

  16. This is so simple and elegant - I should try it!

  17. I love the colors that you used for these!

  18. The colors you used a wonderful. You did a great job!


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