HPB Presents: 1st Indie Brand - Ninja Polish Pacific Coral

Hi everyone!

Time for another Hobby Polish Bloggers linkup and this month's theme is our first indie brand.

I was pretty sure my first indie was Ninja Polish although I don't really know which specific bottle. After rethinking about it I must admit the very first might have been A England Dragon though. As I am not sure I sticked to my first idea.

I chose Ninja Polish Pacific Coral which is a lovely coral with just the right mix of peach and pink, and a gorgeous golden shimmer.

I expected it to be sheer but it's actually not. It's perfectly opaque in two easy coats. It dries matte-ish so I added top coat to really make the shimmer pop.

Ninja Polish Pacific Coral

Ninja Polish Pacific Coral

It's such a gorgeous shade and I think it would rock on tanned skin! Not that being pale stops me anyway.

Sooo, what's your first indie brand? Can you still remember it?


  1. Gorgeous polish colour and the shimmer is lovely!

  2. Wow...you said it right! It's goooorrrrgeeeouus! <3 <3 <3

  3. I love coral shades and this makes no exception. That golden shimmer makes it even prettier!

  4. Ho gli occhi a cuoricino per quant'è bello *--*

  5. It's a lovely polish - great shimmer.

  6. Ma è un colore meraviglioso *-* D'estate farebbe sicuramente un figurone, con l'abbronzatura, ma sinceramente, come te, anch'io non mi faccio fermare da una pelle un po' "lattiginosa" :P Se adesso lo avessi qui, lo indosserei molto volentieri uno smalto del genere!

  7. Questo starebbe benissimo nella mia attuale fase corallo *__*
    Credo di averne un surrogato, anche se sono quasi sicura del fatto che non sia altrettanto bello.
    Il mio primo è stato Saint George <3

    1. Saint George è stato il primo indie che ho voluto fortemente, ma è arrivato solo in un secondo momento!

  8. Oh my... am a sucker for coral ánd a sucker for shimmer. Check check double check!!

  9. Che bello! Sento già l'estate nell'aria! Come hai catturato quel shimmer spettacolare- una mano magica!!!

  10. It's so pretty! Love that shimmer!

  11. This coral is absolutely stunning!! I love Ninja Polish!!

  12. That's so fiery! I love how the shimmer plays with the light.

  13. Ohhh so much summer in this polish! Love it! My first Indie was Delush Polish :)

  14. It's an interesting gold shimmer in the coral, very cool.
    Great swatch!
    One of my first indies was A England as well, those are amazing.

  15. I looooove that color, soooo pretty. My first indie was a brand called Happy Hands Polish (I think) and it was a teal glitter bomb in a teal jelly base! It's actually featured in the header for my blog!

  16. Ooh, the base and shimmer color combination of this polish is gorgeous!

  17. Beautiful swatches and gorgeous colour

  18. A England Dragon was one of my first, too! But I also was into Ninja Polish early on and bought every one in this series!

  19. Credo di essermi innamorata. Lo shimmer dorato è favoloso!


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