ABC challenge: iRis 10

Hi everyone and happy Monday!

Short post for me today because I am quite late.

Today’s letter for ABC challenge is "i". For the occasion I picked up an unknown brand that has been sitting in my drawer for ages. It says it’s made in Turkey and that’s all I know about it.

iRis n. 10 is a yellow creme filled with golden specks. Its look is a bit weird because from some angles it looks like there’s some dust trapped underneath the surface. That’s how the speckles look at times, which is not a good thing!

Other than that application was easy for being a yellow.

Two coats + top coat.

iRis 10

iRis 10

iRis 10

From this macro shot it actually looks like a shimmer polish filled with glitters but I swear I couldn’t see that shimmer in person.

That’s it today! Let me know what you think about this nail polish!



  1. Di questo brand ho solo un bianco preso per vedere se funzionava per la water marble (NO) e abbandonato in un angolo. Comunque m'è venuta voglia di crema pasticcera (senza stafilococco, grazie)!

  2. Macro is beautiful...from distance it looks bit dull shade but I think it can be a good base for some nailart on top of it! What say?

    1. Thank you! I did some stamping over it but I am not overly fond about it.

  3. I like this yellow shade and I think it looks great on you!

  4. What a great nail polish, I like it a lot!

  5. That is a very sweet polish. I kinda like it.

  6. Yellow doesn't get enough love, this is gorgeous!

  7. Aww! ABC Challenge brings back memories. I think we first met doing Kimber's ABC Challenge ❤️

    That shade of yellow looks gorgeous on you :)

  8. This is pretty! I feel like yellow polishes don't get enough love x

    1. I had never thought of that but now that few of you mentioned it I have to agree!

  9. Ohh it is so beautiful! I am loving those little gold flecks of sunshine popping through!

    1. Thank you Ith! They are super nice in full sunshine, a little weird in the shade!

  10. yellow is really flattering on you. I can't wait to see what sort of art you can do with this.

    1. Thank you Nichole! I love yellow but more when it's brighter!

  11. I love these kind of unusual shades - this looks great on you!

  12. This isn't my favorite shade of yellow but I'm loving that macro!

  13. I can see how the gold specks look like dust sometimes, the golden tone is a bit too close to the yellow. Bummer, because the yellow itself looks great!

  14. Wow!!! I love yellow polishes... this one is wonderful... It looks like a shimmery polish indeed, and it might happens... when you take the picture you see its details but when you look straight to it...

    Have a nice day =D
    Bj e Feliz Dia Internacional da Mulher!
    Antonia / Rock ur Nails!

  15. I'm not normally a yellow fan but this is lovely!

  16. Ooohhhh what a yummy yellow!!

  17. I'm normally not into yellows but this is so pretty!

  18. Lo smalto è carino, sebbene sia giallo. Peccato che lo shimmer salti fuori solo all'occhio della macro!
    Il brand, invece, mai sentito.

    1. Magari al sole si vedrebbe... ma data la mancanza rimango col dubbio! I glitterini però si vedono bene.

  19. It is not the best yellow, although the macro shot makes it seem prettier, but if you can't see that in person, it is not good. Too bad...

    1. The glitters are very visible but the shimmer is not! Maybe during a sunny day but it's bad weather over here :(


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