Color Club Nama-Stay, Matte-ified, Plush Coat

Color Club Nama-Stay, Matte-ified, Plush Coat

Hi everyone!

Today I'm gonna talk about some Color Club treatments I've been using during the last couple months. I think I now have a good idea of how they work and how I like them.

Nama-Stay Breathable Base Coat
Prolong the life of your manicure as air and moisture pass through to your nail bed.
Advanced Oxygen Technology creates a non-occlusive film over the natural nail while increasing nail polish adherence.

I really liked this base coat. It's not a real treatment as it's not hardening or strenghtening but works great as a base coat to protect the nail underneath. I must admit I need some real treatments every now and then for my nails not to break but I now alternate the Nama-Stay base coat to my usual Rejuvacote (or similar).

Plush Coat
Plump up your polish with an intensive gel-like top coat. Build instant volume on traditional color nail lacquer to achieve a wet-like supple shine. Tired nail color is re-vamped when applied between salon visits.

It delivers the wet-like supershine that it promises. Unfortunately it takes ages to dry thus I stopped using it. A real shame. It would be a gorgeous top coat if it dried faster.

Matte-ified is a dual-purpose base/topcoat that gives polish a sumptuous suede finish.
Works best on natural nails as base coat.
Matte-ified will matte some shades and reduce the gloss on other shades. Ideal for those who prefer a matte base coat.

This double use base and top coat has me very torn and it's the reason why this review took me so long.
Matte-ified by Color Club doesn't always work. That's it. When it does work I love the suede look it gives to the manicure. However, I can't understand why sometimes it just won't make the polish suede. And most of the times it only does its job on some nails. It acts the same as a base coat. Look at the photo below, I've used it on all of my nails but only my pinkie is matte.

Color Club Matte-ified

Ultimately I really like Color Club Nama-Stay breathable base coat, while I can't forgive both top coats' flaws.

While browsing the Color Club webpage though I noticed that Matte-ified has been reformulated to a matte top-coat only so it might have been improved since this one I've tested.
*pr sample – campione gratuito


  1. Nama-Stay (oltre che per il nome :D) è un prodotto che mi stuzzica da un po'.
    Siccome anche io necessito di un trattamento perenne, ed il mio rinforzante abituale funge anche come base, sarei curiosa di provarlo come strato intermedio tra il rinforzante e lo smalto.
    Non ti chiedo se hai tentato perché so che non ami particolarmente stendere strati su strati :D

  2. I don't have any of these. Nama-stay, what a name, cute :) (Namaste!)

  3. Insomma, vedo con piacere che non sono l'unica matta del pollaio. Non mi sono trovata affatto bene con i due tc. Sicuramente non riproverò il tc matte, nonostante sia stato riformulato, anche perché ne uso uno da 4€ e funziona alla perfezione.

    1. A me piaceva il fatto che fosse più suede che matte devo dire, ma così no, non posso lanciare la moneta e sperare che esca la faccia giusta insomma!

  4. Davvero interessante (e sincera)! Ho letto con piacere la tua recensione :-)

  5. The plush coat sounds really interesting!

  6. I have never seen any of these products in a store...and that breaks my heart.

  7. Great and thorough review! I like how you are taking it almost point for point and breaking down the intent of product and how it worked. Great writing.

  8. It is so odd for the Matte to only work on some nails and not others! I had a different matte top coat at one time that was like that, but I cannot recall the brand. I wonder what that is about!

    1. I couldn't find a common point for it to do so honestly!

  9. That's a bummer about the matte coat. Manglaze is like that, too. The colors are pretty, though!

    1. I thought it was incredible but it looks like it's not the only one!

  10. That matte combo thingy is one of the weirdest things I've ever seen.

  11. I actually don't like a base & topcoat in one product, to me each product are formulated for a specific purpose.

  12. Is it bad that I want to try Nama-Stay just because I like the name?? :D :D

  13. So wird that the Matti-fied doesn't always work! But thanks for this in-depth review :).

  14. Wow, I have never heard of a matte TC only sometimes working! How strange!

  15. I will have give the matte top coat a try!

  16. That matte topcoat sounds so odd? I wonder why it does that....the base coat sounds great though!

  17. No va be', Nama-Stay è geniale come nome!! Sul top coat matte sono sconvolta, già mi sembra strano che opacizzi random, ma magari potrebbe dipendere dallo smalto sotto, ma che opacizzi anche solo alcune unghie è inspiegabile! Che possa dipendere dalla quantità di smalto che c'è sotto? Magari se lo strato è troppo spesso non riesce ad opacizzarlo...

    1. Ci ho pensato, ho provato a lasciare asciugare e stendere un altro strato di top coat ma non è cambiato nulla. Io poi uso sempre strati spessi quindi se il limite è quello diventa inutilizzabile per me!


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