ABC challenge: Color Club Kismet

Hi everyone!

Today’s letter for ABC challenge is K. I first wanted to swatch a Kiko but then the sun appeared and I rushed for a holo. And not a subtle holo, I wanted a super sparkly extraordinary holo! What’s better than the Color Club Halo Hues flame? The Halo Hues are probably the most popular mainstream holographic nail polishes out there. And Kismet is the green one among them.

Three coats. No top coat.

Color Club Kismet

Color Club Kismet

Color Club Kismet

Color Club Kismet

I know last photo is blurred but it shows you the true power of Color Club Kismet.

I won’t even ask you how you like it, kk? Only thing I did not like about it is I expected it to be some kind of golden green?! No way I could see that golden though. It’s a green, period. That holo prism just shuts me up anyway.

That’s it today! Talk soon!




  1. OMG!!!! Look at that super strong holo! It's a rockstar! What a lovely pictures are they all! Love it! <3

  2. I love every single one of the Halo Hues, and as a green polish lover Kismet gives me life!

    1. I admit I wished for a more unique colour, but that strong holo just speaks for itself!

  3. Ohh! Such beautiful photos of this polish! Some holo goodness always makes your day better, doesn't it :D :D

  4. Stunning colour - just perfect for a dday out in the Sun!

  5. The holo's of this brand are so strong! Love!

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. This is stunning and the whole collection is amazing!

  8. The CC Halo Hues probably will always be my favorite holos. They were my first and they are still one of the absolute best holos I've ever put on my fingers!

    1. I am pretty sure they weren't my first but they are indeed among the best ones!

  9. Beautiful pictures! I love the halo hues, I want to buy a few more when I can fit them into my polish buying rotation.

    1. Thank you Chelsea! I'd love a few more from the newest batch, too!

  10. azz...anche io avevo pensato di mettere kismet come mi sa che cambio, per non fare il doppione :P
    certo che è proprio uno spettacolo! ricordo quando non lo avevo e ci sbavavo sopra senza ritegno...e ora ce l'ho, ci sbavo sopra lo stesso quando lo indosso! ahahahah senza speranze! :P

  11. I love the CC Halo Hues - I think there would be a riot if they were ever discontinued! I know that Kismet is not the most popular of them, but I still enjoy it very much. This is a perfect time of year to be wearing it. It looks lovely on you.

  12. Wow! Does this polish shine!! I'd do nothing but stare at my nails all day if I wore this polish! :)

  13. The holo in this is ridiculous, wow! x

  14. Sssseh vabbé, poi arriva lei e ci ammazza con 'st'holo da urlo!

  15. Io credo proprio che se al Cosmoprof li hanno mi farò tentare da uno di questi Holo.....peccato per il prezzo proibitivo! *_*

    1. Il prezzo Cosmoprof l'anno scorso era abbordabile... peccato che quando siamo passate noi ancora non lo avessero deciso!

  16. This holo is so gorgeous great post and great choice for the letter K x

  17. This is so gorgeous-- I love how strong the holo is! I definitely see a strong gold tone in this, as well as the green!

  18. This was one of my first Color Club holos and it does not disappoint at all. The holo is so strong in this polish! Looks great on you!

  19. Gooooooorgeous! You capture that holo perfectly, oh my gosh

  20. Such a nice holo! I regret skipping this one... I bought the rest of this collection :)

  21. Wow that holo is just amazing.

  22. Qualsiasi sia il colore di base, alla potenza della fiamma olografica degli Halo Hues non riesco proprio a resistere.
    Ancora mi pento di non aver fatto incetta quando avrei potuto! Dannata morigeratezza :D

  23. I have all the Halo Hues and it's hard to pick a fav, but this one is super pretty.

  24. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Thank you Gemma!
      Sorry but as stated I don't post comments containing links!

  25. Can you believe I only own one of these? Such a beautiful holo!

  26. Great pick! I just remembered I have this entire set and they are super fabulous for stamping. I need to bring them out of retirement

    1. I've never used mine for stamping yet! Gotta fix that soon!

  27. Gioia per gli occhi, meraviglioso! :-)

  28. devo mettere gli occhiali da sole x guardarlo!


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