ABC challenge: Hits Unconventional

Hi everyone!

Quick today for letter U. I picked the lovely Brazilian multichrome nail polish Hits Speciallita Mari Moon Unconventional.

I layered Hits Unconventional over blue and this way it shifts from magenta to blurple mostly, but shows some burgundy at times, too. Application is super easy but it dries quite slowly.

One coat over Essence Underwater + top coat.

Hits Speciallita Mari Moon Unconventional

Hits Speciallita Mari Moon Unconventional

You know I love multichromes and Brazilian brands really know how to do them. However I removed Hits Unconventional already because I feel like wearing something brighter these days.

What do you think of it? And what are you wearing this time of the year?




  1. Omg! What a beautiful polish! It's rocking on your nails! ^_^

  2. It is so gorgeous. Good idea to layer it over blue.

  3. Very special nail polish, love the color shift!

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. This polish is beautiful! I love that shift!

  6. What a beautiful polish! I'm wearing spring pastels now the weathers better here in the UK

    1. Thank you Helen! Pastels would definitely be my second choice these days!

  7. Veramente un sogno! Io non ho quasi smalti duochrome ma questo qui me lo scrivo sulla mia wishlist!
    Anche a me piace indossare smalte più vivi e allegri, ma figurati que adesso ho fatto lo swatch per la lettera Z ed è un quasi-nero... :/
    Ho "dovuto" subito stampare con rosso, giallo e verde sopra!! hahaha XD

  8. Wow, there's some incredible depth to that combination! I happen to want to wear something bright lately and that is currently Cupcake Polish Berry Good Looking.

    1. Thank you Chelsea! That Cupcake Polish is freaking gorgeous!

  9. *Loud Gasp* :O That's GORGEOUS! Can't get enough of a dark base with some purple (blurple!) shimmer ^.^

  10. So gorgeous. HITS does a great job with multichromes. Also a great idea to layer over blue!

  11. Woow! Uno smalto a dir poco stupendo! *.*

  12. Really beautiful multichrome! Yeah I usually go for brighter colors in spring too :)

  13. Drop dead gorgeous! Love how strong the shift it-- stunning!

  14. Gorgeous duochrome! <3

  15. Hm, I think you just made me regrett that I just sold this polish!


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