ABC challenge: TNS Cosmetics China Blue - UNS487

Hi everyone!

I’m looking out of the window and the weather sucks. Come on! It’s April! Can you guess how difficult it is to take natural light photos when it’s dark weather? And what when the colour is always hard to photograph even when it’s pretty? Shall we have a look anyway?

This is TNS Cosmetics China Blue*. If you follow my blog you might know TNS Cosmetics is my favourite Italian salon brand. China Blue is one of their best selling shades, and I can definitely see why. It’s an awesome blurple i.e. the perfect mix of blue and purple. I call it indigo, but that’s it. I’ve checked my photos on 4 different monitors and it’s different everywhere, anywhere between blue and purple. Sorry, you gotta stick to my description!

Formula is fantastic as always with TNS Cosmetics, this brand has never disappointed. Drying time is quite fast and it provides a shiny finish without needing a top coat.

Two coats without top coat, in lightbox/artificial lighting.

Smalto TNS Cosmetics China blue - UNS487

Smalto TNS Cosmetics China blue - UNS487

Smalto TNS Cosmetics China blue - UNS487

I was forgetting to mention this is my pick for ABC challenge’s letter T, but maybe you guessed it, even only by reading the blog post title!

How do you like TNS Cosmetics China Blue*? Do you see it blue or purple? ;)



*pr sample – campione gratuito


  1. Ok. Ciao. Lo voglio.
    Sul mio laptop lo vedo blu-blu (come il Kiko), ma so già che mi piacerà comunque sia.

  2. Wow...what a rich blue color. I can see that purplish tint near your cuticles.Lovely lovely! <3

  3. Wow, such a gorgeous blurple! I can imagine it would be hard to capture :) You did a flawless job, as always.

  4. ...siamo tornate a scegliere lo stesso colore!!!...è splendido!!!
    ...un bacione!!!

    1. Sono stata un sacco indecisa Luisa! Ma alla fine ho scelto bene!

  5. bello!
    mi ricorda moltissimo l'essence electriiiiic...che siano dupe? :O

    1. Non ce l'ho, ma l'ho googlato e in effetti potrebbe somigliare!

  6. Gorgeous colour and lovely swatches x

  7. This is such a great dark blue!

  8. I'm not sure if I should write this or not but today has been a wonderful weather here in the south of Sweden. The sun was shining and the birds where singing :)

    I love this blue color, it looks amazing!

    1. Thank you Helena! Now here it's hot but still cloudy :(

  9. This is the perfect blue. I love how saturated the color is.

  10. Stunning! Every time I looked at your pictures I can't figure out if I see more blue or purple-- but either way, gorgeous!

    1. I know right?? I kept looking at my nails to understand what was the main colour, too!

  11. It's killer blue n swatch is superb. I think blue is generally hard to capture.

    1. I find reds harder to capture for my camera, but this one was tough, too!

  12. Più guardo gli smalti TNS che proponi e più mi piacciono. Questo blu poi è meraviglioso. Capisco la difficoltà nel fotografarlo. Io ho lo stesso problema ma con i rossi ;)

  13. Senza dubbio: blu... ed è un blu moooolto bello! :-)

  14. Such a nice bright rich blue. We don't have TNS here though, so I can't pick it up.

    1. But you know what to look for if you ever visit Italy! ;)

  15. THAT BLUE!! You're killing me with all this stuff I can't get here. haha

  16. Holy moly! This is so flawless and lush! I am in love with it!!

  17. This color is absolutely stunning! I love rich blues.

  18. It leans more blue on my computer. It's so frustrating when you have a polish that won't cooperate! LOL.


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