ABC challenge: Zoya Blaze


Hi everyone!

Last letter for ABC challenge and I went the easy way.

Zoya Blaze is a berry red jelly base filled with holographic flecks. It’s not very opaque, you’d probably need 3 coats to have an even coverage. I stopped at two and the colour was uneven, with some parts of the nail being darker or lighter. Application is very easy though.

Two coats, no top coat.

Zoya Blaze

Zoya Blaze

Zoya Blaze

Zoya Blaze has been sitting in my stash for quite a while and I will be very unpopular saying it hasn’t wow-ed me. That’s also why I didn’t care adding a third coat to even out the colour. I just couldn’t love it.

Ending the ABC challenge with something I didn’t really like is bittersweet to be honest, or maybe it’s just sad to be at the end. I will try to do a recap of all letters in the next few days so you can tell me what you liked best.

Until then care care and let me know what you think of Zoya Blaze!



  1. Too bad you didn't like Blaze. It is one of my favourite polishes, but it is jelly and needs thicker coats or more coats to get even colour. Anyhow, congrats on completing the challenge.

  2. One of my favorite Zoya polishes! Thank you for participating and I hope you will join next time too.

  3. a me piace, forse proprio per questa consistenza simil jelly può essere sfruttato in più modi :)
    e ora, al via alla prossima challenge? :)

  4. Oh my... that color! That sparkle... It's lovely! Downside are the three layers, meh :-(

  5. I love wine colored polishes but I'm a 2 coats and I'm done kind of girl...3 coats is just too much for me. CONGRATULATIONS on completing the ABC challenge. I need to do this, it would help me through some of my untrieds. :)

    1. Thank you Kristi! It helped with my untrieds for sure!

  6. Wow this polish is simply stunning!! Another one added to my wishlist. Love the holo <3

  7. Omg 😍😍😍 it's gorgeous jelly red. Yeah third coat job is tough for me too. But it's very pretty.

  8. Congrats on finishing the challenge! I really like Blaze, but I can see why it wouldn't be worth the trouble if it wasn't wowing you.

  9. Trovo questo colore davvero meraviglioso. Unico neo sono le tre passate che mi sembrano sempre troppe per uno smalto.

  10. Un vero peccato perché come colore e finish è molto bello

  11. Tranne per il fatto che necessita di tre strati, mi piace! :-)

  12. Oh man, this is one stunning polish! Too bad you didn't like it much!

  13. Don't you just hate when a polish is supposed to wow you, you want it to wow you, and you just are all "meh"? :/

  14. Blaze is one of my fave reds, the third coat definitely helps though.
    Congrats on finishing the challenge, I am only up to D (this week) with E and F planned and the novelty is wearing off finding a G I love

  15. It looks pretty, at the very least!

  16. Oh man, this is one of my favorite red polishes!

  17. Too bad, I really like the idea of this polish, but it should be more opaque, for such an expensive brand! It still looks gorgeous on you, though.

  18. Blaze is one of my favorites - and I really wish Zoya would do more like it!

  19. It's always a bummer when a polish doesn't work like you want it to :( Still looks fantastic on you though!

  20. Too bad for you... i love it, the formula was really good in 'my bottle' ☺

  21. It's pretty but try doesn't have me saying I need it now

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    1. Grazie del commento Milena. Come ho scritto nel riquadro non accetto link, scusa.


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