Inspired by Manicured & Marvelous skittlette


Hi everyone!

Today’s post is a mani inspired by Roselynn of Manicured and Marvelous. Rose is going through a rough time because of some health issues so some bloggers decided to group together and let her know we care for her.

Rose is a fantastic swatcher and also creates amazing nail arts. Recently I feel in love with her Whimsy mani that she created for the Digital Dozen. My re-creation of that mani is not half as good as the original one, but I’m not nearly as talented as her!

Let’s have a look!

Aqua skittlette manicure

Aqua skittlette manicure

Aqua skittlette manicure

On my index, middle and pinkie I started with a base of Koloss Agua Marinha, which is an aqua holo. Then I randomly sponged Avon Galaxy here and there to give some dimension with a slightly darker colour. The stamping plates I used are BP-23 and hehe-040. On my ring I layered China Glaze Atlantis over Koloss Agua Marinha and added a golden shell rhinestone. In the end I topped everything with China Glaze Golden Enchantment.

Well, at least it’s sparkly!

Rose, feel better soon and don't hate me for such a terrible mani!



  1. La tua manicure è bellissima e credo che non abbia niente da invidiare alla manicure di Roselynn :-) In bocca al lupo a Roselynn con la sua battaglia, spero che presto starà meglio! :-)

  2. I love your recreation, everyone did such a good job on these!

  3. I love this - your stamping is perfect!

  4. What do you mean terrible mani? This is awesome!

    1. Thank you Ashlee! I am not fully happy with it but at least it sparkles!

  5. I like it, pretty! The ring finger is my favourite :)

  6. This came out so freaking beautifully, I may have to recreate your recreation ;)

  7. What a lovely thought to rally around a friend and community member during a tough time. Your manicure recreation is gorgeous and I'm sure Rose is honoured.

  8. I love that you all got together to do this. This manicure is beautiful!

  9. Secondo me invece la tua è una nail art non bella ma bellissima, davvero brava :)

  10. Gorgeous beachy manicure. I love the pairing of the green with gold.

  11. Love you ladies are supporting a fellow blogger-- what a fabulous idea! Love your manicure!

  12. Such a beautiful mani! You did a fabulous job!

  13. It's not terrible! It's adorable!

  14. Really nice skittle! I love the ring finger especially it's so sparkly :)

  15. I adore this mani, you did a really great job. :)

  16. Love that you chose this one!! Gorgeous!!


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