Color Club Age of Aquarius

Hi everyone!

Today I am showing you Color Club Age of Aquarius*, a mint green nail polish which is both pastel and neon. How weird and yet cool of a combo is that?

Formula is typical of both pastels and neons, these finishes have some similar qualities for sure. Formula is thick and it dries so quick that it is really hard to work with. It dries semi matte so you definitely need a top coat both for shine and to smooth out the surface. If you are okay with such a difficult application you will get an awesome result though.

Photos: two coats plus top coat.

Smalto Color Club Age of Aquarius nail polish

Smalto Color Club Age of Aquarius nail polish

Smalto Color Club Age of Aquarius nail polish

I love this bright shade, and the pastel + neon combo was a real surprise to me. If only it were easier to apply!

What do you think? Do you like it? And can you think of something similar with an easy to work formula?

*pr sample


  1. perfetto per l'estate! (ma non solo)
    il colore mi piace da impazzire! ....pastello-neon di altre marche non mi viene in mente molto...forse qualche china glaze della collezione electric nights? ma sto andando a memoria quindi non sono molto affidabile ahah <3

    1. Premetto che di persona non l'ho vista, ma secondo me gli Electric Nights sono più bright che neon!

  2. Molto carino! Anche se su di me smorzerei un attimo il tono con uno stamping scuro :-)

    1. Davvero? A me piace talmente tanto che l'ho indossato da solo finchè non si è rovinato!

  3. What a unique shade. Your application is flawless. :-)

  4. Molto bello e fresco, mi piace! :-)

  5. This is such an awesome shade! I want I want!

    1. I know the feeling. It's been in my wishlist forever until I could finally have it!


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